103 definitions by JD

Oral retrieval of semen from the anus.
After shooting a copious load of cum up her ass, Mark buried his face in her ass and began felching his lady love.
by JD August 17, 2003
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To throw up at a party, specifically in front of people.

Can be used interchanged with vomited.
"That dude bermaned all over my couch."

To 'pull a berman'
by JD March 23, 2005
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the term star-crossed lovers is talking about the zodiac signs. The zodiac's are stars in the sky, and in Romeo and Juliets case there star signs paths were doomed to cross over. This also signified the end of there relationship.
by JD July 26, 2004
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A girl pukes fucking noodles while making out... then refuses to pay for the dry cleaning
by JD September 23, 2004
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girl with a great body but a fucked up face. Related to a drill. The head of the drill is fucked up because it's been drilled so often but the body is still in tact.
"It must be her ass coz it ain't her face, I need a tipdrill"
by JD December 27, 2003
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That chick last night was so frickin jagger... Did u see her ass?

My friend can do the most jagger moves on a skatebored.
by JD February 26, 2005
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