7 definitions by JCS Bricks

A word of unknown origin; muttered by Mike Tyson on September 21, 2004.
"I have been training confuciously."
by JCS Bricks September 23, 2004
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Urinating ahead of time while your bladder is roughly 50% full or less to prevent inconvenience of having to do so at a later time with greater need.
I'm gonna take a preventative wiz before we go so I won't have to drain it while we're out.
by JCS Bricks August 24, 2004
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I just busted my sauce all over that hoe with the fat ass.
by JCS Bricks December 13, 2003
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After jerking me off for ten minutes, I proceeded to expel my lovesnot all over her face.
by JCS Bricks August 21, 2004
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The art of penetrating a female with an unwashed penis that had been used to penetrate another female at an earlier time.
I just dirty dicked that hoe, now she's got whatever that bitch had that I banged earlier.
by JCS Bricks August 13, 2004
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An area of your back that cannot be referred to by using specific terms such as muscle, tendon or vertebrae.

Coined by Mike Tyson.
"I broke my back... my back is broken" "Spinal."
by JCS Bricks December 12, 2005
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A girl whose age would bring about a statutory rape charge if any man were to fornicate with her.
Man, Dave's 13 year-old daughter is some statutory wuss I'd goto jail for!
by JCS Bricks August 19, 2004
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