6 definitions by JCQ

is that a yes or a no

-a term coined my kiwi
-are u down for tonight
by JCQ August 21, 2009
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not talking to you
-h4y m4n, whatsup?
-ew, well i'm ntty either
by JCQ August 24, 2009
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a word used when a person with a low spelling ability attempts to say DEFENSE! , but instead of a second S uses a C, like an idiot
Hey Kristen the Seahawks are about to score a touchdown

by JCQ November 13, 2007
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a word used when a person with a low spelling ability attempts to say DEFENSE! , but instead of a second S uses a C, like an idiot
Hey Kristen the Seahawks are about to score a touchdown

by JCQ November 13, 2007
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nerd adjacent

a nerb would have 10 tabs in safari open with sims related content up
by JCQ May 3, 2021
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you won't do it

used when someone says they'll do something, or to pressure them into doing it
John- I'm getting the new Pokémon
Jacob- ywdi
John- ooooh i will
by JCQ October 25, 2009
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