6 definitions by JCJ

You got no money.............but that's okay, cos you have a gigantic dong
Oh hey Julie......that guy over there? He's dirt poor but I've heard he has a jewish blessing
by JCJ August 8, 2006
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Creator and Lord of all, is often ripped on by 2/3 of the civilised world because they think that being ultimately accountable for their own actions mustn't be a good thing and it's a good safeguard to not believe cos you want to do what you want (e.g. get incredibly drunk, have sex with this girl/boy, take drugs)

Gives free choice yet is often criticised because the fact he knows everything "is proof that we don't have free choice". Right, so cos someone knows what you will do doesn't mean that you can't do something else.

Often treated as a mechanical concept rather than a being with choice.

Is not an argument against the earth being older than 6000 years, original translation of "day" comes from a word meaning "period of time". Could be an age

Portayed as an angry bearded man in the sky just waiting to make you burn in hell as opposed to a friend that loves you and sent his son to die so you are not held accountable to all the bad things everyone has done (and everyone has done bad things, whether they meant it or not)

Often criticised about people "not being a free thinker if they submit to a deity". Many people love to sound clever if they diss God, it gives them a sense of 'individuality' as they do what too many other people are doing (oh and they also read the da vinci code, a popular yet poorly written fiction book. Good story, but as I said, FICTION)

Often said can't exist because of all the people doing evil things in his(or her, or whatever, doesn't really have a gender) name. The bit in the bible about false prophets completely ignored

Even clever people and scientists believed in God, for example:
Isaac Newton
Albert Einstein
CS Lewis

Even Robert Winston is a practicing Jew!

And last but not least, a faithful, loving friend :)
Has enriched many a person's life and worked wonders in the world (read "the cross and the switchblade" for an example)
"For God loved the world so much, he gave his only son to die so that you may not perish but be given eternal life"

"If people do bad things in my name does that mean I don't exist?"

God created people with a choice. That is, to love him or to not love him. Many people choose not to. But tell me, if God made people to love him robotically instead of making it so they could choose to love him, would that be real love?
by JCJ August 27, 2006
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What Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble were having when Wilma and Betty were out
We'll have a yabba dabba doo time

A dabba doo time

We'll have a gay old time!
by JCJ August 29, 2006
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A sound often heard when cavemen copulate with their wives
Yabba Dabba Dooooooo!
by JCJ August 29, 2006
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The ancient chinese art of rearranging things to channel energy and give aesthetic pleasure, namely your money into the pocket of a practitioner
"Ahh this house have bad energy, feng shui not good, money in wrong place, should be in my wallet"

"ahh much better!"
by JCJ February 17, 2008
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Two words in a sentence that contradict each other. Not necessarily opposites, however
Oxymoron examples

Talented Rapper
Holy Crap
AOL high-speed broadband
Holy War
Square Circle
United Arab Emirates
by JCJ August 27, 2006
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