12 definitions by JB_Finesse

1. Relating to crunk and other words stemming from it.
2. A very 80's way to say crunk.
1. We shall test the crunkularity of this movie/entertainment device/other.
2. Dude, that's crunkular!
by JB_Finesse May 24, 2005
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A substitute for fuck, similar to fruck. You can sometimes get away with it, but sometimes people will say you said fuck anyway, even if you didn't.
1. Say "oh for fluck's sake" in an Irish accent and TRY and say that's not funny. I DARE you!
by JB_Finesse December 4, 2005
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A song by Green Day that has been overplayed and turned into shit. The first time I heard it I thought it was all right, but now it's been played shitloads of times all over the world, and if I hear it again I'm shooting somebody. It doesn't matter who, but hopefully it'll be somebody whose death will STOP THE FUCKING SONG!
Some Gerow: I just downloaded Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

Me: What the fuck for?

Gerow: To listen to. But it doesn't work. I'm sad now.

Me: Really? This might cheer you up. *whips out a .44 magnum and unloads it into the Gerow's chest*
by JB_Finesse June 3, 2005
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Unlike that other guy said, this did not originate from Beebo. It originated from PG-13 movies that didn't want to say what the fuck, or had already said fuck once and still wanted it to be a PG-13 movie. Basically a pussy version of what the fuck that sounds way shittier than what the hell. If you hear a guy say "what the shit", slap him. Repeat offenders should be shot, stabbed, thrown into a swimming pool full of rabid badgers, whatever you want.
Dumbass: What the SHIT?

Me: What the FUCK are you talking about? *slaps the dumbass*

Dumbass: What the shit did you do that for?

Me: That's it, asshole. *grabs dumbass by the shirt, throws him into a swimming pool full or rabid badgers*

Dumbass: AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH*continues screaming for several minutes as he is torn apart*
by JB_Finesse December 4, 2005
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Another word for "over".
Who da FUCK be dat mothafucka ova dere?
by JB_Finesse December 4, 2005
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