13 definitions by J-Hoax

Infomercial comes from the root word "info" and "mercial," which is greek for "to give wrongly"
But the infomercial said if I rub Bengay on my balls it'd feel amazing... They haven't grown back yet!
by J-Hoax January 5, 2011
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I ordered the "Galaxy of Prawns"! 3 Prawns are hardly a galaxy!
by J-Hoax July 23, 2010
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An expert at Bar-B-Queing.(Pronounced Bar-bee-que-er)
Door's open this friday! So come on down to the Bar-B-Queer!
... AW SHIT!
by J-Hoax January 20, 2011
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One look at this and stupid people who don't know what a gun is would call it an AK47
Person #1: What gun is this?
Person with large penis #2: You fail! IT'S an AK-12 I'm gonna give you a prostate exam now!
-Prostate exam-
by J-Hoax January 7, 2010
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The M95 Barrett is a bolt action 50 Cal sniper rifle developed in 1995 by the Barrett Firearms Company. An imporved version of the M90. Notable features include the fact that it is the most massive sniper rifle to date, and can penetrate some metal and most glasses used in helecopters and jets. It is 45 inches long, it's maximum range is about 1800 metres, and it's muzzle velocety is 854 metres per second. the M95 Barrett is the equivilent to the AWP in Counter Strike, acually better.
by J-Hoax January 7, 2009
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A character from Medal of Honour: Rising Sun. He tries his best. He appears in the "Singapore Sling" Misson. Also He continues to try his best.
"Rickshaw Tries his best."
by J-Hoax April 21, 2009
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