43 definitions by J E Walker

Intrusive e-mail attacks by internet swindlers.
"Most AOL (America On-Line Subscribers) are stupid and gullible, so AOL sells their addresses to spam scammers. Only an idiot would fall for these schemes."
by J E Walker April 28, 2003
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to throw out:
1. parastaltic emptying of the seminal vesicles and ejection of seminal fluid;
2.a forceful verbal reaction
"It is better to ejacu-late than never, Jack ejaculated."
by J E Walker April 29, 2003
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Politically correct name for member of the feline species.
" It appears that Yolanda died sometime last week and her thirty-odd felino-americans feasted on the corpse."
and: "The democrats are expecting a clean sweep after they promised to put crazy women's felino-americans on medicare."
by J E Walker April 29, 2003
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All Personel, South East Asia Theater of War:

Upon receipt and thereafter, you will cease refering to our allies as slopes, gooks, slants and yellow bastards and afford them the respect due to the worthy oriental gentlemen that they are.
Viscount Robert Mountbatten
Commanding General South East Asia
by J E Walker May 2, 2003
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in medicine- evidence of morbidity in that the mouth is wide open in the shape of an "O"
Q Sign- Extreme morbidity evidenced by the tongue handing out. in the shape of a "Q"
" that triage patient'll be giving the o sign pretty soon."
by J E Walker April 28, 2003
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"Man, I just about gurg(ed) when I saw all that hair around her nipples."
by J E Walker April 27, 2003
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fujimom'mid twentieth century expression of independence (fuck you jack. I'm my own man."
"Lets all go down and join the Million Mom's March!"
by J E Walker April 25, 2003
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