43 definitions by J E Walker

Adjective: suggesting proximity of elderly males.
" I was sittin' on the limp dick bench when I spotted a five dollar bill on the ground. I scooped it up."
by J E Walker April 27, 2003
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A cat that has been run over so many time, you can pick him up and sail him like a frizbee.
" Yesterday a highway pizza, today a sail cat."
by J E Walker April 25, 2003
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Masturbation- female specific.
Evey time you go jackin' or jillin', God kills a kitten.
Think of the kittens.
by J E Walker April 28, 2003
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The belief that the person holding the belief is the only real thing in the universe. All other persons and things are merely ornaments or impediments to his happiness.
Rene Descartes proved his existance by saying " I think, therefore I am."
(cogito- ergo, sum) The solipsist prefers " cogito ergo omnia sum"
-I think therefore, I am everything!
by J E Walker November 20, 2003
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Variation of Pinkofagcommie. A weenie who is afraid that somewhere someone is doing what he pleases and enjoying life.
My commiepinko fag brother-in-law is founding president of Gay Communists Agaist God.
by J E Walker November 2, 2003
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1. a fond name for persons of the African genotype;
2. A bowell movement (uk-regional).
" The 'appy darkie went to the loo and choaked off a darkie."
by J E Walker April 30, 2003
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The essence of femaleness or a bold assertion of essential feminism.
Short form: "Vagmo"
"With an overpowering display of vaginismo, Jane knocked Dick's penis in the dirt forever."
by J E Walker April 29, 2003
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