9 definitions by Iscariom

A person who has no debilitating mental problems, yet still doesn't grasp reality or utilize common sense, even though a wealth of knowledge (the internet) is at their fingertips.
"Emmy thinks if she isn't attracted to someone who hits on her, then it's technically rape. That girl's illegally retarded."
by Iscariom June 6, 2014
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A sociological metaphor in which racial subdivisions of human are portrayed by three flavors of ice cream contained in the same box and maintaining the idea 'as time passes, the edges begin to melt together, eventually, and inevitably, mixing into one single colored sludge', resulting in a divine racial singularity.
It's simple Neapolitanism. I believe all variants of human shall ultimately combine to become a single species with a single understanding of our universe. We will explore space together and maybe, someday, we'll be somebody's aliens. Most of us alive now will not likely live long enough to see this but I promise you, it is inevitable and it will happen.
by Iscariom January 15, 2020
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