4 definitions by Ironm4n

Dinner is a meal which can be either home cooked or purchased from a Take Away establishment to be eaten at home. It can be enjoyed alone or even better with friends. KFC is always a good choice for dinner whether home or away
Charles - Do you and the family want to come round for dinner?
Steve - Yes my good friend, what are we having?
Charles - I was thinking a bit of KFC for dinner....
Steve - Sounds lovely, KFC is my favourite dinner!
by Ironm4n November 12, 2018
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A slur on someone when frequenting an area where strong swear words would not be suitable for use
Oi, Codshead, you going to do any work today?
by Ironm4n September 10, 2018
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The claim that your attempt to wind someone up has succeeded.

Relates to the term "fish nibbling at my bait"

This can be a result of a simple one liner or multiple attacks over a course of an hour/day/week/year - no time limit really.
Nibs can be lined up either in person, over the phone, email/text, smoke signals.
Jeff - are you going to sit there all day or are you planning on doing something?
James- fuck off, I've been flat out all day.
Jeff - 'Nibs' lol
by Ironm4n September 10, 2018
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Another name for the town of Folkestone, due to the number of Yettis that inhabit the area.
Bill. Hey, any fit birds round here
Charlie. Doubt it mate, you're in Yettisville
by Ironm4n September 14, 2018
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