16 definitions by IntestinePoet

1. In eastern mysticism, any spiritual path embodying the principle of yin; characterised by passivity, and reaching enlightenment by flowing according to one's inner nature, the opposite being right hand path. In the original Indian doctrines, it was called Vamachara.

2. In the modern western re-interpretation, any spiritual path which pursues worldly goals and pleasures as opposed to the spiritual.
1. In walking the left hand path, one takes the path of least resistance to achieve goals.

2. A student of the left hand path in the West may perform rites for money or sex.
by IntestinePoet June 11, 2007
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a new promoter of the ideas of Ned Ludd and his people who destroyed industrial technologies while the Industrial Revolution was taking place. Neo-luddites come in many forms, and oppose technology for different reasons. This includes those calling themselves "radical traditionalists," who oppose it because they feel that industrial society subverts traditional folk-and-faith values. Others, who call themselves "primitivists," believe that technology and civilization itself are inherently repressive because it forces people to act contrary to their instincts, and interferes with natural eugenic population control measures, etc. Famous neo-Luddites include the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, Derrick Jensen, Jacques Ellul, and John Zerzan. It must be pointed out, though, that those like the Unabomber are strictly the exception rather than the norm.
John Zerzan as a Neo-luddite has written extensively on what he believes are the atrocities of civilization.
by IntestinePoet April 19, 2006
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1. a form of writing, often employed by surrealist poets, done by thinking as little as possible about what one is writing so that the thoughts from the id, unhindered by the ego, may come through.
2. a form of writing done in a similar manner, with a complete lack of any thought on the writer's part, employed by spiritualists who wish to "channel in" the thoughts of spirits or other entities from different planes of existence.
3. a form of writing done in the above manner by mental patients who are instructed to do so, so that their inner thoughts may be examined by psychological authorities
Automatic Writing is often easier to do while half asleep.
by IntestinePoet February 2, 2006
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abbreviated form of Christian, often used as a derogatory term by Satanists, militant Atheists, etc. It is derived from the use of X as an abbreviation for Christ, as in Xmas. Strictly speaking, this rule dictates it be spelled "xian," but it is spelled "xtian" to avoid confusion with the city of Xian,China.
Satanist(online): "Modern society has such a disregard for the living world. I blame the xtian scum!"
by IntestinePoet May 15, 2007
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(also called KAOS or Current 156)
a magickal spirituality with little or no set-in-stone ritual,dogma,deities, or any other object of faith to which the initiate is bound. The chaos magician only places faith in himself. It is generally agreed among chaos magicians that magick is a process of the psyche, not a nebulous 'spirit' or some such thing. All older magickal paths are seen by chaos initiates as different forms of the same psychic process, which may be imitated with any and all forms of ritual and symbolism that hold a personal meaning for the magician. Gods and ceremonial equipment, if present at all, are seen as symbolic, psychological tools used as vehicles into the magician's inner potential. Once this potential is fully realized, the God of use may simply be tossed aside.

Chaos magick finds its origin partially in the 'sigil working' of Austin Osman Spare. In this form of magickal practice, the magician creates a symbol, or sigil, representing a goal or desire. Using any method he/she chooses, the magician then goes into a trance state wherein the sigil is the sole object of consciousness. after the climax of this trance state is done with, the sigil is to be "banished", or forgotten, so that the goal it represents will ingrain itself into the unconscious mind of the caster.
Some sources have it that the history of chaos magick runs further back. Such sources trace it to the anti-witchcraft hysteria of medieval Christian Europe, in which witches would have to invent new methods of magick so that they would not be caught doing obviously magickal ritual.

The first major occultist to write about these ideas calling them 'chaos magick' was Peter Carroll in his books Liber Null and Psychonaut. Far-out writer William S. Burroughs is also known for his invocation of Arabic gods by chaotic methods. Comic artist Grant Morrisson has also written extensively on the subject. Phil Hine's chaotic path revering Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, and other gods from the Lovecraftian mythos has become widely popular, almost to the point of becoming a traditional path in itself.

Even chaotic magick has its own organizations. The most popular one is called the Illuminates of Thanateros. The dual nature of their god (eros,love and life+Thanatos, death and the will to die) brings to mind the Gnostic yin-yang-ish deity Abrasax.
Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth, a splinter group led by artist, musical pioneer, cultural engineer, and "pandrogyne" Genesis P-Orridge, places a high emphasis on sigil work focused on the liberation of the individual from conditioned modes of thought, as well as bringing about a world of absolutely free artistic expression. They show a strong preference for masturbation as sigil work, and hold both the male and female ejaculants as sacred. The Church of the Subgenius, which deifies Bob the used car dealer, puts out sarcastically toned texts and seems to be focused on pranks.
A good Chaos magick ritual may be the invocation of Batman in order to escape an enemy's threat.
by IntestinePoet February 2, 2006
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1. see xanga, emo
2. adaptation of German word for "fear"(and quite an extension if you ask me 0_o) referring to an emotion, more or less hormonally induced, occurring in early and middle stages of puberty for most people and in worst-case scenarios for some menstruating women.Often accompanied by a loss of perspective and an extreme magnification of trifling difficulties.
Angsty 13 yr olds are the target age group for the new razor blade company's advertisements.
by IntestinePoet July 10, 2005
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1. In eastern mysticism, any spiritual discipline embodying the principle of yang; characterised by conscious effort and striving to expand the student's potentiality. In such arts, enlightenment is reached by self-discipline and some forms of self-denial, such as fasting to reach altered states of mind. Called Dakshinachara in the original Indian doctrines. While it is the opposite of the left hand path, both paths require knowledge of one's inner self.

2. In modern western revisions, any spiritual discipline pursuing a state of being thought to be higher than the material world, such as the Christian concept of salvation.
1. In walking the right hand path, a student may keep a daily meditation and study schedule.

2. In the west, magicians of the right hand path seek to merge their consciousness with that of the universe.
by IntestinePoet June 11, 2007
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