114 definitions by Intelligence001

A term used for almonds pureed in water. Usually described as almond milk because it's hard to say "nut juice" with a straight face.
Teacher: I prefer almond milk, or as I like to call it, "nut juice!"
Students: *snickering*
Teacher: Did I say something?
Jeff: Mr. Barnett, you're being such a faggot...
by Intelligence001 August 15, 2016
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A person who is legally and biologically in the adult stage of human development. Typically used as a derisive term for a person who acts way, way younger than they actually are, i.e. a manchild.
Oh, for the love of God, you're a grown-ass adult. Do your own damn laundry!
by Intelligence001 February 13, 2020
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To go totally insane, in the same vein as losing one's marbles.
Phil threw another tantrum over a missing sock. I think he's got his cheese sliding off the crackers.
by Intelligence001 January 15, 2020
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Person on twitter: I had a seizure salad, it was good af.
Other person on twitter: You DENSE motherfucker...
by Intelligence001 December 30, 2016
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The way complete dumbasses who never payed attention in school spell Holocaust.
Person 1: When I learned about the hall of cost in school, I was so sad.
Person 2: Why are you people acting like the world's only messed up now? What about Slavery? What about the hall of cost? What is with you people?
Person 3: Do either of you know how stupid you both sound?
by Intelligence001 December 2, 2016
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Acting like you have moral superiority over people who are smarter than you.
Your pomposity outdoes your intelligence in that you have no intelligence.
by Intelligence001 July 9, 2016
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A slang term for crying while observing something tearjerking, such as a sad film scene. This refers to both a ninja's alleged stealth abilities, and the irritation of the eyes by the fluids in an onion.
I was watching The Notebook yesterday. Damn ninjas cutting onions the whole time..
by Intelligence001 December 17, 2016
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