114 definitions by Intelligence001

The pound key on old phones, as well as being the shorthand symbol for numbers. Also known as hashtags by poorly educated young males and females.
Uneducated guy: Yo i found a #hashtag symbol on a phone from like the 90s! like, twitter wasnt even invented back, so why they need a hashtag?
Intelligent person: Are you a special kind of retard or what?
by Intelligence001 April 4, 2017
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What seems to be an internet-based cult of crackpots who apparently believe that Trump is God, and that he's fighting the "cabal" or the "deep state," or some BS like that. From the looks of it, they also espouse the religious belief that he's fighting a blatantly nonexistent "Satanic" pedophile ring made of people who don't agree with him, as opposed to just admitting he's not that great of a person. Seems to have been started by someone going by Q, who's claiming to be an insider for the government, or maybe a massive troll. These assholes take their beliefs seriously enough to flat out attack people or even try to commit murder in broad daylight, and then claim they're fighting for some fake utopia. Yeah, humanity's digging its own grave for sure.
Guy 1: Hey, hear about Larry? Apparently, he shot his neighbor and ran over her husband because he thought they were part of the "cabal"
Guy 2: Must have been QAnon.
Guy 1: Yeah, he drank that Q-Laid pretty fast.
by Intelligence001 November 17, 2020
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A joke played on new military recruits. id10t is leet for idiot.
Sargent: Private, could you go get an id10t form from Administration?
Private: Sir, yes, sir!
Sargent: *snickers*
by Intelligence001 June 20, 2016
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Person 1: I feel so meaty oaker sometimes
Person 2: Ever heard of a dictionary?
by Intelligence001 September 13, 2017
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A fingersnap that can, will, and probably has, turn half of the universe's life forms into dust.
Shit! The giant angry grape man is gonna do the fingersnap of doom!
by Intelligence001 April 27, 2019
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What people do when they are killed (duh)
People die when they are killed!
by Intelligence001 June 1, 2017
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A general insult for when someone exhausts your patience really quickly.
Okay, uh, I'll tell you what. You can rot in a sack for all I care. Good-bye.
Wait, don't leave!
by Intelligence001 February 4, 2019
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