26 definitions by Insufficient Postage

Both dorky and adorable. A higher state of being all dorks strive towards.
That dork is so adorkable I could just hug him till I die.
by Insufficient Postage February 10, 2006
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To explain something in a way that confuses things even more.
Because their constituencies wouldn't vote for them otherwise, certain politicians learn to clarifuscate early in their careers.

When my physics teacher tried to explain how to work the deadly tesla coil for the lab, he ended up clarifuscating me until my eyes were glassy and my drool was seeping onto my shirt. This resulted in me frying myself and setting the school on fire. Too bad I was dead to see the prison burn.
by Insufficient Postage April 26, 2006
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It is simply the study of pits. Of course, a pitlologist must pick a field to specialize in (e.g., watermelon pits, BBQ pits, or the study of pitiful situations and puns).
When I grow up I want to study pitology since I'm so good at falling into them. I'm going to study pits in the Amazon, Aztec ruins, ancient Buddhist temples, and various tombs in Egypt and India.
by Insufficient Postage April 26, 2006
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The thought of global ape domination is indeed an ice meme. Wait, there's already an ape running a superpower...maybe we aren't too far from it after all! We're doomed!
by Insufficient Postage April 26, 2006
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. How I feel when it rains or when my cello breaks and I feel like part of my soul is missing.

.. Gloomy
Raindrops make me dreary, but that doesn't mean my eyes get teary.
by Insufficient Postage October 24, 2005
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