4 definitions by Inbothhemispheres

By 2017, Commie-Capitalism has become the entrenced, dominant political and economic system in China, Russia, Vietnam, Cuba and a few other countries who identify themselves as socialist republics or communist states. Economic growth via state-controlled capitalism is the primary feature of the dominant political/ecomonic class in these countries, not formal socialism or communism.
Soon after her retirement from decades of diplomatic duties in socialist and communist countries, she committed a faux pas by identifying them all as forms of Commie-Capitalism.
by Inbothhemispheres July 28, 2017
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This verb refers to being victimized by a bot and/or overacting to a bot hate-mail comment.
I overreacted to a botted hate-mail comment on Instagram. After a few days, i realized that a human did not send me the nasty comment; but a bot nternet robot did. I had been botted.
by Inbothhemispheres August 30, 2017
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A Blue Hotel is a hotel, motel , etc., that rents out a room for an hour at a time. Couples ( straight, gay, whatever) go there for quick, discrete sex. They then return to their routine family life. Some married and partnered couples go there just to get some privacy while having sex. Recall that in many places generations of people live in the same very small spaces where privacy is impossible. There are several other names for these hotels, which you can find elsewhere on UD or on Google. These hotels are common in most towns and large cities in both hemispheres.
The couple decided to go to a Blue Hotel to get some privacy and be more spontaneous, intimate and noisy during sex.
by Inbothhemispheres July 17, 2017
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Refers to left-of-center folks who post nasty comments about other Americans with whom they disagree. They also try to apply a lengthy litmus test to evaluate whether an American is a "real Democrat".
An illiberal liberal just tried to excommunicate me from the Democratic party, the party of diversity, because I suggested that some Democrats are pro-life.
by Inbothhemispheres August 4, 2017
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