25 definitions by Ilisten2Metal

A condition where an individual isn't a mormon, but acts like he/she is by not doing drugs, alcohol, or before-marriage sex. See Also Strait Edge.

A condition where an individual isn't a mormon, but dresses and often looks like one.
Dave seems like he doesn't do drugs, drink, and is a virgin. Is he a mormon? No, my friend told me he's not, and that he's got mormonitis.

Then I saw Dave ride his bike on the side of the road. I thought he was one of those mormons who ride their bikes while dressed nicely, and wearing backpacks and nametags. But since Dave isn't a mormon (he wasn't wearing a nametag), then it became obvious that he had mormonitis.
by Ilisten2Metal June 5, 2014
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n. A dialect of the English language frequently used on the internet.

The following rules apply when using in Internet English:

-Your: most often used for both the possessive pronoun and the contraction of "you are" while the latter is more prominently used.

-There, Their and They're refer to location, possession, and the contraction of "they are," respectively, however either word can go with either meaning, thus breaking the rules familiar when using proper English.

-Wut: short for "what."

-u: short for "you." "ur" is the possessive pronoun meaning the same as "your."

...and many more rules apply, but I, unfortunately, do not have the time to write down all the rules. If you wish to learn more, find someone who is proficiently fluent in the language to teach you some slang.
The lack of conventions, lack of punctuation, frequent misspellings, and incorrect uses of words' meanings are what characterizes Internet English. This language is used often on social media and text messaging. Websites include YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
by Ilisten2Metal October 28, 2015
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A word describing how a video game that was recently released got good reception across the most hardcore gamers.

A word composed of the words Game and Fantastic, which is used to say that a certain game is amazing.
"Did you play Dark Souls 2 yet?"

"Yeah, it was gametastic!"
by Ilisten2Metal June 6, 2014
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Unlike when you do things like a boss, you apply it to your own self, your pride.

When you feel like a boss, you think you are the greatest thing in existence. You are so cool, that all the people around you want to be like you. People will sometimes say that you have swag.
"Damn, look at Nick!"

"Yeah, I see he's feelin' like a boss."

"I wanna be him some day."
by Ilisten2Metal June 5, 2014
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When you think about something which leads you to think about something else, then that thought will lead to another thought, and so on until you are realizing what is happening.
I had a thought chain recently, it went like this:

I was thinking about sex, then I started to think about me being a father, then I started to think about my future, then I started to think about my future career, then I thought about me being a hobo, then I started to think about me dying until I wondered why I was thinking about dying. Then it all came to me...
by Ilisten2Metal July 9, 2014
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Someone who uses the stall next to you, especially when you both are taking shits. You'll meet each other, stink, and part ways.
"Damn, how long were you in there?"

"I don't know, I was talking to Mike."

"Who's Mike?"

"He's my dump neighbor."

by Ilisten2Metal June 10, 2014
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A condition where one has an extreme obsession to be on the internet or be like people who they encounter on the internet. Similar to Text Talk.
1) Joe was diagnosed with internetitis after people recognized his habit of not leaving the computer for three days.

2) Steve was diagnosed with internetitis after people got tired of his internet speech, i.e. tl;dr, lol, ikr, idgaf, etc.
by Ilisten2Metal May 29, 2014
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