25 definitions by Ilisten2Metal

The thing of the past.

Today, pocket-sized computers that have (mostly) the same functions of a regular-sized desktop or laptop computer can do; i.e. read, write, surfing the web, look at the time and keeping time, listening to music, gaming (not the high-detail games like Skyrim, Call of Duty and such), e-mailing, etc.

The best feature these pocket-sized computers are well known for are the ability to call and text just like a cell phone, except a little more "modern". These are called "Smartphones".
Girl (on her 12th birthday): "YAAY! SOO excited! I got my first phone! I can't wait to show it to my friends at school!"

(The next day at school):

Girl: Hey, do you like my new cell phone? I got it got my birthday, yesterday."

Friend of Girl: "What is that ugly thing?? *scoff* You call that a phone? What is this, the 90's? Get a real phone like mine" *holds up a slim, shiny, new smartphone*

Girl: That's not a phone, that's a pocket sized computer!"

Friend of Girl: "Oh, true, but mine's still better than yours. Mine's the shit, yours is.... shit"
by Ilisten2Metal April 19, 2014
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A fart that smells so bad, it's not even disgusting. It is far more disgusting, it is disgasting.
Augh! Who was that?


Augh! That was disgasting!
by Ilisten2Metal July 14, 2014
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Meaning edible. A combination of the words masticate and edible, both have similar meanings, thus making it useful in the context referring to food.
Is this pizza mastical?

by Ilisten2Metal June 12, 2014
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Someone who came out of the same vagina as you, and can either be a boy or a girl.
my sibling is playing my video games on my Xbox.
by Ilisten2Metal October 17, 2014
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This is not \m/, this is a hand signal meaning "I Love You". This hand signal is usually used at pop concerts, and less often at rock concerts, but never at metal concerts.
"WOO!! METALLICA!!" (raises \m/,)

"Dude! Not at Metallica!! What, are you stupid or something?"
by Ilisten2Metal June 11, 2014
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The feeling or sensation of just wiping after taking a shit. It can either be pleasing or annoying.
After taking a dump and returning to my game, my afterwipe feeling has been botherin' me.
by Ilisten2Metal January 4, 2015
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A living hellhole.

The only place in school where the guys hang out if they want to keep their conversation a secret.

The place where it hasn't been remodelled since the 1980s, only he plumbing has been updated so it can be up to code.

The place where it smells worse than an outhouse 24/7. Keep trying janitor, it's never going to smell nice in there.

The place where most of the toilet are broken. The ones that aren't broken, however, usually is filled with crap, rendering it useless until flush.

The place where a stagnat puddle of piss can br found anywhere on the floor

The place where the sinks have hair in it, because the school's bathrooms are known to be the cheapest salons

The place where grafitti is common in the stalls, where the staff can't find it because he/she is too distracted from the crap smeared all over the walls on one section.

The place where there are coins, paperclips, hair, beads, etc. inside the urinals.

The place where there are usually out of paper towels, and toilet paper.

Last but not least, the last place on earth that you want to be in.
by Ilisten2Metal May 1, 2014
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