32 definitions by IkeM

1) Phrase used by embittered old bastards who find that a band they liked became popular, so therefore they must suck now.

2) When a band changes style and then appeal more to the mainstream than to it's original fans. Often a band did actually become crap when it once was good: e.g. Incubus, Green Day. However, many bands who 'sold out' were already shit to begin with: e.g. Good Charlotte.
by IkeM October 20, 2003
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1) Jaw made of glass.

2) Extremely brilliant. Great. Erm, yes.
by IkeM October 20, 2003
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Fundamentally true statement, generally taught to children, especially those with special needs. Also a kickass book by Strong Bad.
"Some people are about to be run over. Frankie has about five seconds."

"Some people are very tall and merciless. Quincy is destroying San Antonio"

"Some people are squirrel handed. Gregor is a wierd name."

"Some people have rigged the enemy base with explosives. Albert has."

"Some people are being fangoriously devoured by a gelatinous monster. Hilary's legs are being digested."

by IkeM October 9, 2003
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A form of government where the leader is chosen by popularity rather than ability to run a country.
"I've said it before and I'll say it again; democracy simply doesn't work."
-Kent Brockman
by IkeM September 28, 2003
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An island country north or europe. Also a pretty crappy supermarket in the UK.
"I'm a bit thirsty.. I think I'll go to Iceland and buy a 2 litre bottle of Coke, drink a bit of it then hurl the rest at passers by"
by IkeM October 11, 2003
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possessing the characteristics of a pen; pen-like.
"Wow, that pen you have sure is pennicular."
by IkeM September 27, 2003
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A word only used by dorks. Used as a general insult, or sometimes as an incorrect synonym for nerd or geek
"Haha, that dork still says dork. What a dork... Why are you looking at me like that??"
by IkeM October 11, 2003
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