7 definitions by Idontknowyoudontknownobodyknow

Some obscure place where you are sent when nobody loves you back. Full of spiders and dangers. Not cool at all.
Dan: Karen, I love u
Karen: Sorry Dan, I dont love you back (sad face) But we can be frie-
((Then an interdimensional door opens))
Dan: (falling into the dark) Oh well, it seems like I'm falling into the friendzone
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Some obscure place where you are sent when nobody loves you back. Full of spiders and dangers. Not cool at all.
Dan: Karen, I love u
Karen: Sorry Dan, I dont love you back (sad face) But we can be frie-
((Then an interdimensional door opens))
Dan: (falling into the dark) Oh well, it seems like I'm falling into the friendzone
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Horrible pseudo-music that doesn't make any sense, even for the spanish speakers, who don't usually understand a shit because of the singers bad pronunciation and autotune abuse.

The rythm used consist on BUM BACHUM BAM BUM, etc
-Please, Lord, save us from reggaeton
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Famous american city, also known as the non-capital of the United States. It isn't the capital of the New York State too.
-Well, Timmy, do you know wich is the capital of the United States?
-Of course, it's New York!
-Sorry, wrong answer
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A flute, but for sixth graders
-There are actually professional recorderplayers!
-That's interesting, but I'm not one of them
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A banana, splitted in two vertically, fulled with chocolate sirup and covered with icecream. It stills a myth because nobody has tasted one ever, even tho everybody wants to eat it at least one time in their lives.
-Oh, this old fashioned restaurant has banana split on its menu!
-Woa, I'm finally going to eat one!
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