185 definitions by Ian Chode

The thwankton, the piece of skin between the tadjer and botty.
If my Japs thigh gets excited it might spit!
by Ian Chode January 11, 2004
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A homosexual, probably doing some kind of holding of another man's spam javelin.
by Ian Chode April 3, 2003
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A piece of (usually) television designed to both give information and promote a product. However, the information cannot be trusted because it is not impartial.
by Ian Chode September 5, 2003
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Also has come into usage as a verb, "to Rodney King". As used by D12.
by Ian Chode September 14, 2003
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A mythical anatomical structure which is removed when one gets one's brown wings.
JOHNNY FAGGOT: He ruptured my botty hymen. Oooh!
by Ian Chode April 3, 2003
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