1 definition by IamwhatIam04


Indigenous people living in the South Pacific Islands of Tonga.
Tonga is a Polynesian Island that once ruled all of Polynesia before any Europeans existed in the South Pacific or the Americas.

They were very friendly to the Europeans that visited them which is why they are they only South Pacific Island that hasn't been taken over by any European Country. They told the Europeans that their land belongs to God and no one else. They are mostly Christians and keep the Sabbath day sacred. Sundays all stores are closed and no one works that day.
They love their Polynesian people even though many Samoans may hold some sort of grudge against them because of things that happened in the past. They still love them as well. I can't give any exact example of a Tongan. Because like all Polynesians. We all are a mixed race. Each family has their family tree and dna lineage. None of them are exactly the same. Some are tall some are short. We got skin tones from white, yellow, tan, brown to even the darkest of brown. Flat noses, long bird noses, wide, skinny. We are the world and Proud of our culture and our Polynesian People. One Love!
The beautiful Tongan people of the Kingdom of Tonga.
I am Tongan
by IamwhatIam04 October 16, 2017
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