14 definitions by I_am_a_loser

When a user in an internet chatroom or forum becomes really hostile towards a moderator for them to eject that user out of the chatroom or internet forum!

Hostile users attempt to annoy and offend the community chatroom or forum and it's moderators every way they can, resulting with the moderators banning them despite many warnings and guideline notices given by the the community or moderators towards that hostile user and may even close their account.
Hostile user: You'll of full of crap and I hope you all die!
Moderator: I've asked you three times, could you stop insulting the community and myself?
Hostile User: Screw you!
*Hostile user has been kicked out of the room by Moderator*
Community Member: What was the point of that!

Some Random User: That user has committed cyber-suicide by moderator!
by I_am_a_loser November 17, 2013
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When someone agrees to post you messages or emails on a certain time or day using a computer or digital device with internet connection however they don't post the messages after making such plans.
Person A: He told me that he'll email me tonight, however I was waiting for his email and messages on facebook but it never showed up. I saw him the next day, only for him to tell me, that he forgot to send the important email. He cyber-stood me up. Didn't he cyber-stood me up?

Person B: He clearly cyber-stood up you on that day.
by I_am_a_loser January 11, 2015
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A form of racism that people show on the internet.
Person A: He liked me online, but when he saw my picture and found I was black, he cut all ties with me.
Person B: That's cyber-racism right there!
by I_am_a_loser January 25, 2015
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A fat puffy boy or man! Extremely fat that his skin looks like dough. This person usually has no form of exercise in the past few years what-so-ever!
I may become fat even when I've worked out years ago, I would look like a big bear and not end up looking like Doughboy!
by I_am_a_loser August 10, 2013
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A bad trait someone shows on the internet when they don't like someone by their skin color.
Person A Messaging Someone on Skype: What, you don't like me because of my skin color, you sir, are a cyber-racist.
by I_am_a_loser January 25, 2015
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An internet user who harass other users over their spelling and grammar errors on words and phases in online communities
User A: Hey, get out of it, you shouldn't be aound
User B: Fix your spelling
User A: You don't want to talk about the problem you are causing? You are a spelling bee troll!
User B: What???
User A: Yes, User B the spelling bee troll!
by I_am_a_loser August 10, 2015
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A slang term to describe someone who no one likes, who looks Pakistani but is so free, running around enjoying what they like to do unlike the overpopulated, restricted country, the people of Pakistan have stuffed themselves and are currently living in.
He looks like them but he isn't with them because he's so free and fun to be around. He's clearly the paki opposite of them. hehehehehe!
by I_am_a_loser January 27, 2016
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