6 definitions by IRHMP

Fucking a girl so hard that even if she is a virgin, she starts bleeding again.
Guy 1: I popped my girls cherry again.

Guy 2: That only happens once, dipshit.

Guy 1: Not if you just believe.

Guy 3: You mean, if you give her a California Cherry Crush.

Guy 1: ...Why don't you guys ever let me invent stuff...
by IRHMP August 28, 2016
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A dick so big and thick that it will cause your partners anus to flower (Prolapse) as soon as you pull out. Similar to the California Cherry Crusher. If not used wisely, it can cause serious consequences, including, prolapsed rectums, literally being split apart, and...prolapsed rectums (Is that all there is? Really, you couldn't think of anything better Jeffery. It's your fault, you know, that we don't sleep together anymore! *Starts to cry* I came out for you...)
Detective: Why does everyone make me take the sexual death cases...Okay, what's the cause of death?
Doc: It's seems a Maryland Anal Tugger was shoved up this poor man's anus sir.
Detective: Like the California Cherry Crusher?
Doc: Yes but, it only works on the anus, sir?
*The Detective's phone starts buzzing. He pulls his phone out to here crying.*
Detective: You and Jeffery had a fight...I'm on my way.
by IRHMP August 28, 2016
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The perfect name for a dick so massive and thick, it pops your girls other cherries, even if she ain't a virgin. Also known as the Maryland Anal Tugger. If you have one of these, beware, with great size comes the possibility of actually splitting someone in half.
Detective: What appears the cause of death?
Doc: It seems the girl had a California Cherry Crusher shoved inside her reproductive organs.
Detective: Good God! What kind of deadly weapon is that!?!
Doc: Nothin you own.
by IRHMP August 28, 2016
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When your girl masturbates herself with a lit candle and you literally stick a foot up her ass.
Guy 1: Dude, I gave Tarkisha a brazilian donkey kick last night, I messed her up so bad.
Guy 2: Noice.
by IRHMP August 28, 2016
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When you decide to go S&M style with your partner, but if you cum before they let you then your punishment is being slapped in the face with a bag of hops.
Guy 1: My girl gave me a New England Rabbit Slap last night, I still have the bruises. I told her next time don't squeeze so tight.
by IRHMP August 28, 2016
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(Let's just call it Ricks (RKES) for short) The form of love making in which you and your partner have sex inside of a giant Russian coat with jumper cables attached to each others nipples, as well has riding a slip and slide at the same time.
Guy 1: My girl wanted to do the Russian Kangaroo Electric Slide. Psht, yeah, like i'm gonna put jumper cables on my nips.
by IRHMP August 28, 2016
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