1 definition by IHateYourChildrenXx

1.) causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with
2.) causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience
3.) not smooth or graceful; ungainly

An EXTREMELY over-used word, used mainly by immature kids in their early teenage years, to define an ironic or embarrassing moment. Very few of these kids actually know the meaning of the word, and use it so quantitatively for any circumstance that in their minds, everything is 'awkward'. Some like to add their own spunk to the word, resulting in disasters such as 'awk sauce' and even 'awklate milk'.
"That awkward moment when your friends tell your crush how much you talk about him."

"Thats a nice glass of awklate milk, bro."
"Yeah buddy."

"So today I texted my friend, and they didn't text back."
"Woah dude, that's so awk..."
"I know."
by IHateYourChildrenXx November 20, 2011
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