10 definitions by IAIN_D

A person who steps in between two feuding people for the sole reason of making themselves look like a peacemaker and receiving kudos for their self-righteous effort. By relativizing the claims of each person in the dispute, and standing open armed with a pseudo-serene expression on their face, they naff off everyone in the room, but still think they are the second coming of Gandhi.
It was all sorting itself out until Steve started pulling a Gandhi, and then all hell broke loose.
by IAIN_D October 15, 2020
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A temporary form of anxiety widely reported by chefs and catering staff who witness it every day. It concerns the dilemma faced by a customer visiting a hot buffet table and noticing that the item he wishes to purchase is the very last portion in a tray. Thus the dilemma. Does he wait longingly for the item to be replaced with a fresh batch or does he choose something else? Whatever becomes of the last portion.............?
Hey Tony ,check out the long face on that dude at the counter. Looks like LPS to me, yes I diagnose Last Portion Syndrome.
by IAIN_D October 13, 2020
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A person who has become extremely vocal about their atheism and is trying to convince others of their point of view. Often they are regarded as an embarrassment by fellow atheists.

Sometimes their behaviour is an indication of the insecurity they might feel in supporting their belief ,especially when confronted with reasonable arguments from the other side.
Some Evangelical Atheists seek relief and vindication by lobbying to pass laws that will make it difficult for religious people to voice their opinions in the public square, or teach their beliefs to their own children.Or even to assemble together with like minded people if the assembly is on government property.(as in New York)

For others, their proselyting rage may be an indication that their beliefs are foundering and they are on their way to a radical paradigm shift ( ie Anthony Flew )
Richard Dawkins ' The God Delusion' The opus magnum of a well known Evangelical Atheist

"The God Delusion makes me embarrassed to be an atheist "
- Prof Michael Ruse
by IAIN_D January 30, 2012
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A serious cyclist who wears black cycle shorts and a bizarre shaped helmet. The saddle posture is bum up and head down with hands clinging to the handlebars giving the look of a praying mantis.
I was carved up by one of those black bummed praying mantis types.Would have kicked his ass if he had one.
by IAIN_D September 2, 2018
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A name constructed to sound like a legitimate historic football player who was part of the England 1966 world cup team.
Just look at Nobby Fielder on the wing!
by IAIN_D September 5, 2018
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The cakes you find for sale at a church fete which have been baked by dribbling grannies. Do not buy these cakes!
Hey look! I won a Granny Dribble Cake in the raffle.
by IAIN_D October 16, 2020
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The unfortunate deepening of a woman's voice through smoking.
Shannon stood there in all her fake tan glory and shouted in her rasping fag-knackered voice..........
by IAIN_D September 2, 2018
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