8 definitions by I.K.

A word meaning bad in Jappeneese.
Dude, my friend didn't name her dog Warui!
by I.K. April 12, 2005
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A word normally used on an oekaki where it means cool.
Dude, that pic is so spiffeh!
by I.K. March 21, 2005
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A chilidish yet addicting website. You create pets, take care of them, make neopoints, the sign for neopets currency. In the old days, people could spell and were nice. Now, it is infested with n00bs.
Neopets was Ok untill the n00bs came. *scarred for life*
by I.K. April 12, 2005
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A group of wolves to be considered a pack. Thwere are ranks such as alpha, beta, omega, etc. See wolf.
That wolf pack ran pretty far when hunting the abercrombie moose.
by I.K. April 12, 2005
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An alter ego. Normally used in drawing to show ones 'true self.'
by I.K. March 6, 2005
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p1: I got a new giyerjyity!!!

p2: WTFC?
by I.K. February 25, 2005
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The most stupidest person at CIS. He belives he is some "star person". Quite retarted and belivs that he sould grow a unibrow because of something in the future. He belives that when you call him a pansy, that it is a compliment. Everyone including me hates him.

My friends and I were joking around and Lizzie goes up to Colton and goes, "Would you go out with I.K.?"
and he replies, "Over my dead festering DINASAUR body." Wierd, eh?
Dude, that faggot Colton was eating out of the garbage!
by I.K. April 12, 2005
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