511 definitions by I Saw U2 Live Twice

1. a slang name for a male's penis. AKA "ding dong" and many other names.

2. a monetary unit in Vietnam.

3. a proper surname for a male, used in the Chinese and Vietnamese languages and maybe other tongues spoken in the Orient.
1. when the awesome Billy Idol performs his hit "Dancing With Myself" he is referring to the fact that he's shaking his dong.

2. Raymond Slate bought a rug from a street vendor in Ho Chi Minh City for 60 dong.

3. The instructor in a college Computer Science
class introduced himself as "Professor Dong Chi-Zeng". He wrote on the blackboard his surname in huge letters: DONG. He said, "You can just call me 'Dong'". He went on to state that he got his degree at the University of Taipei and so on. Bryan whispered to Dan, "I don't care if that is a common Chinese name, I ain't gonna call him a DONG!"

4. I told my Vietnamese friend in college that the word "din" means "clamor", "racket" and "noise" in English (in Vietnamese "din" means "stupid"). He really got a big laugh when Ralph told him that in English "dong" is a slang word for "penis".
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 8, 2008
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Vermont's counterpart to Scotland's Loch Ness Monster, which has been theorized to possibly be a marine dinosaur that didn't get extinct when the space object slammed into the Yucatan and kicked up a lot of dust all those years ago. Between Vermont and New York State is Lake Champlain, which is reputed to have such a monster living there. So naturally because of the lake's name this beast is referred to by regional residents as the "Champ".
When I first visited Vermont I came from Montreal and drove a few hours thru the Quebec countryside. I went to St. Albans which is directly on the shores of Lake Champlain. The lovely Green Mountains were in view. I asked a nearby New Englander if that body of water was Lake Champlain. He said yes. I asked him if he'd ever seen the Champ, he said "Not lately".
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 9, 2007
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a term used by critics to describe music that has one or more traits or characteristics of the music made by the Beatles. Since the Fab 4 are one of the most inspirational rock bands of all time, many people have used the term to describe almost anything.
Cheap Trick has often been described as a Beatlesque hard rock band. They rock.
Oasis on the other hand, are a bunch of Beatles clones wanna-bes. They suck.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 3, 2007
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1. a derogatory word that describes censorship for what is really is.

2. the title of the first track on the 1992 album "Mondo Bizarro" by the Ramones. The title word is not used in the lyrics, but the message is dead-on with direct attacks on Tipper Gore and her un-American PMRC cruds.
1. The PMRC's assault on the First Amendment led to more restrictions. The V Chip is one. The Politically Correct movement is another censoring form. You got extremism on the left and right. Do these assholes think we can't judge or decide for ourselves? Then the movies gurus try to tell us why flicks get their ratings but the factors listed are too nebulous and they insult our intelligence. Censorshit is evil. It's stupid to the max.

2. Critic Dave Marsh gave an interview in Rock Out Censorship during the fall of 1992 where he slammed incumbant George H. W. Bush for his statement on "Cop Killer" by Body Count, Bill Clinton for the way he criticized what Sister Souljah said, and LBNL the evil Tipper Gore. Marsh said, "Fuck all of them".

3. "Censorship is bullshit"


So that means that censoring is censorshit, right? Right on!

4. "We don't need no
no no no
parental guidance here"


5. Freedom of expression is non-negotiable. Fight any and all forms of censorship.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 13, 2009
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A popular TV show that ran during the later half of the fucking PC 90s and the first few years of the 21st century. Ally is a lawyer who works for "The Firm", and she and her yuppie co-workers work in a conformist environment, doing practically everything together for the fucking firm. They often go out to a cheap-ass bar after work, where Vonda Shepard sings shitty pop/whatever songs that amount to next to nothing. They use a unisex bathroom (hoo-hah!) for answering Nature's call and talking gossip. Ally looks a bit anorexic and is very neurotic and she often sees illusions such as the famous Dancing Baby. In one episode she defends Courtney Thorne-Smith's relationship with a married man, saying that they "belong together". The show often features crappy renditions of popular hits. The show is so dehumanizing, but yuppies and soccer moms love this trash. Another piece of shit that passed for entertainment in the fucking PC 90s and beyond.
The TV show Ally McBeal is a hunka-hunka burning crud. Complete bullshit.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice September 30, 2007
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simply, this phrase is a "nice" way to tell someone to take a flying fuck to a rolling donut, take a flying fuck, go fuck yourself, get lost, kiss off, go suck an egg, go fly a kite, etc.
Schoolyard bully: Gimme a quarter, chump!

Other kid: Take a flying leap of a galloping goose!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 5, 2007
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