511 definitions by I Saw U2 Live Twice

1. an overrated chump Britpop band that got great success and critical adulation in the fucking PC 90s and still gets it today. Singer Thom Yorke whines lyrics full of angst and painful references. The other players ain't so hot either. They first hit it big with "The Bends" in 1995 and their 1997 album "O.K. Computer" was declared a "classic", comparable with the Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" and Pink Floyd's "The Wall". Yeah, right. 2000's "Kid A" has also been declared a "masterpiece", but that just shows what a wasteland popular music has become. That album is just pompous, pretentious crap. Radiohead is a critical "darling" favorite just like that other Britpop dud, Oasis. Ha ha ha.

2. "Radio Head" is a cool, catchy number found on the 1986 album "True Stories" by the unique American New Wave band Talking Heads. The song title inspired the name of the overrated British band.
1. Radiohead gets compared to U2 and Pink Floyd alot and that is a crock of shit. Their music is just artsy-fartsy tedium with whiny vocals. All their albums are boring rubbish.

2. The song "Radio Head" is pumped up by a guest accordion player. Get the "True Stories" CD and check out this and the other fine cuts on this album.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 18, 2007
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1. a day set aside to smoke grass.

2. a poser punk band from Oakland, California that whines about boredom. The singer sounds like he has a pile of shit in his mouth.
1. Let's have a green day!

2. the best thing you can say about the Green Day CD "Dookie" is that it has some tenth-generation Ramones chords on it.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 8, 2006
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1. an absolutely gorgeous and righteous girl. She's so lovely beyond belief and she is calm and mild-mannered. She is smart and intelligent but she is no geekess. She is radiant, a goddess of love.

2. a female name, meaning "heavenly".She may or may not be a sex goddess as described in the above definition.

3. the last name of Richard Celeste, who was governor of the state of Ohio during the 80s and early 90s.
1. that girl is wearing a tight glittery blue mini-dress, she has long jet black hair down to her waist and her stout hips, her skin has an olive hue and complexion, her eyes are so radiant, she has a nice figure and her legs are strong. She can play the cello and the acoustic guitar, she's a voracious lit reader and she can do synchronized swimming. She's a beauty, a cutie, a goddess, she's a CELESTE.

2. I knew a girl of that name in the 5th grade. In our talent show she was in a glittery majorette costume twirling a baton. That's when I knew the source behind my "physical sensations" AKA "growing up" ; )

3. Governor Dick Celeste is a man. No doubt about it.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 27, 2011
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someone who had a rash of bad luck and misfortune.
Daryl: Joe got struck down by a cyclist and broke his ankle. Also, his girlfriend Christine left him for that bohunk Milton.

John: Joe is surely a hurting unit right now.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 23, 2006
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an evil chainstore run by the Devil, where workers toil for pissant wages, work long hours without credit, get no benefits, work non-union, and have to attend a bullshit "pep-talk" session at the start of every shift and chant this dumbass cheer every fucking day. WalMart wants to drive everyone else out of business and control the world's economy. WalMart is popular among hypochristians (so-called "conservative Christians") for some particular reason, so you know WalMart is up to no good. They have the slogan "Bringing it All Home to the U.S.A." but almost all their products sold are from China, where good American jobs are going to and where worker's rights and safety as well as environmental protection standards are disregarded. Also, their music CDs have to be "clean" - none with Parental Advisory stickers are sold at the stores. This is an endorsement of censorship, which is UN-AMERICAN. Their prices ain't really any lower than anyone else's. That logo happy face needs to have a bullet shot into its forehead. Do your shopping at some other store like Meijers or Target instead.
I'd rather work for Satan than work for WalMart. And that's the TRUTH.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 6, 2007
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1. quite simply it's a slang term to refer to the music of Bruce Springsteen.

2. this term could apply to the music played by any other music performer whose name is Bruce, like Bruce Cockburn.
1. On November 17, 1999 I saw Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band play at Ohio State University. The band came out and got ready. The Boss shouted out "1! 2! a 1-2-3-4!" and kicked out the jams with "The Ties That Bind". I knew then we were in for a major treat. It was 2.5 - 3 hours of pure Bruce Juice. Pure New Jerseyrock'n'roll. Sweet!

2. Earlier that year I saw (and met) Canadian folk rocker Bruce Cockburn. It was a one-man performance yet this form of Bruce Juice was also fun to see and hear.


ALAN: Hey Mikey! Whatcha putting into the CD player?

MIKEY: Bruce Springsteen's album "The River".

ALAN: a double disk set! A double disk set has double the fun. Over an hour of top notch Bruce Juice. ALLLLLL-RIIIIGHT!!!!!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 19, 2011
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a term used by critics to describe the bland, generic, formulaic, assembly line, manufactured male country music performers that have dominated country radio for at least the past 10 years. They are notorious for their 30-gallon hats. It's a real challenge to tell these performers and their songs apart.
Keith Urban and Eddie Rabbitt are not hat acts. They'll be remembered 20 years from now.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 11, 2006
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