4 definitions by I Have Mental Disease For Free

Part of ancient Japanese history the Yen Zo Shu are known as the greatest impact on the Japanese world. The Yen Zo Shu were known for bringing Japan into it's greatest time yet. For example increased prosperity and having an advanced army. In honor of the Yen Zo Shu the Japanese named their currency after them.
The Yen Zo Shu were the greatest Japanese rulers.
by I Have Mental Disease For Free January 29, 2022
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Something that is eclipsed or darkened.
Wow that dog is so clipse, I almost stepped on it because it looked like a shadow.
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The occurrence of having something immediately approved without needing any thought what so ever. . The fact that something can be this good baffles millions. In fact imagine this you, yes you, had the chance to wright the definition for inzovalatition, see how it's detention comes to play here? (You'd come up with your very own definition that you'd consider worthy of being immediately approved.)
by I Have Mental Disease For Free January 29, 2022
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When a couple uses Social Media to make their real life relationship look like something that it really is not, usually "Extremely Happy"&#128525 &#128526 , when it is just as normal as everyone else's, or even less healthy or happy then the average relationship...

However they love to show off on these websites.. typically Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, or any other platform where one can fake ones happiness, that they are the perfect couple, usually to make themselves feel better about how unhealthy their co-dependent or other fucked up version or excuse for a relationship that they have actually is in reality...and/or to make other people feel jealous that they don't "HAVE" what they "HAVE", and/or that somehow both people involved must be "So much more lucky then you" OR just be the perfect person to be with generally, or PERFECT for each other , (showing the previous "luckiness" mentioned earlier.)

Oh what a poor sap you must be with whatever imperfect life YOU have...the horrible deck of cards that life must have handed you... (In reality of course both of their stupid lives suck just as much if not more than everyone elses.)

A word fusion of "fugazi" (fake) and "pretentious" (marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction )
"Look at Joe Alwyn and Taylor Swift acting like their lives are so perfect on Tik Tok. Have you ever seen such fugatentious bullshit ?"
by I Have Mental Disease For Free December 15, 2021
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