3 definitions by I'm Joe Somebody

When you wife or girlfriend gives you that same look your mother used to when you were in deep doggie doo
I told an off color joke at the party and the wife gave me the "Mom Look"

Hey dude, I think you better calm down, your girlfriend is giving you that "Mom Look"
by I'm Joe Somebody August 25, 2014
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Legumes particularly Pinto beans
Went to the store to get some Fartberries, and had gas all day
by I'm Joe Somebody January 25, 2014
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A Cincinnati nerfer, that is old, but still wins his fair share of games(Some would say more than his share.)
Twitch: Damn it Father Time you're old, you are not supposed to move that fast.

Other Nerfer: Wait, what? Father Time won another round? How?
by I'm Joe Somebody August 4, 2011
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