60 definitions by Hugh Jass

When applied to a friend, it means the person is caring, funny, and a really nice person to be with.
When applied to an enemy, it means that person is a complete moron whom you can't stand and you would rather fuck a goat than to be with them.
You norom, I love you.
You norom, fucking get away from me!!
by Hugh Jass October 1, 2004
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A place that is not in the South
Kentucky is a part of the Midwest.....DUHHHHH!!!!
by Hugh Jass December 31, 2005
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to let a silent but really odiferous fart.
Don't go in that office, man- Clint just dropped ass.
by Hugh Jass February 7, 2003
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an unexplainable erection
your sitting at your desk in work and you just pop a boner
by Hugh Jass September 22, 2003
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A sell out is some one who excepts a large amount of money, that they dont need because they are already rich.
by Hugh Jass July 13, 2003
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What you feel like on a Friday night after you roll too many doobs.
"Whoa man, (puff,cough) im wasted dude!"
by Hugh Jass April 19, 2004
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Goog- hot, sexy
That chic is as goog as a jew in an oven!
by Hugh Jass September 3, 2003
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