1 definition by Howaboutfuckyou

1. When you realise that nothing can be done about something. So you just accept things the way they are.

2. When there was a an opportunity for a better outcome than the one you're in but you're still okay with it.

3. To Brush a comment or statement of as irrelevant or rudimentary.
Guy 1:"I have a fucken hard test later. There is no way I'll be ready"
Guy 2: "Wanna hit a bong?"
Guy 1: "I should study but Hadez"

Guy 1: "She didn't want to smash but at least I got a Blowie"
Guy 2: "Hadez Bru"
Guy 1: "True not the worst"

Guy 1:"You're a cunt!"
Guy 2:"Hadez"
by Howaboutfuckyou October 22, 2018
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