4 definitions by HotPocketLover

Some guy who makes YouTube videos for a living. Has his own website, www.officiallymrstud.com. Known to have a shitty, tragic life but always manages to hide it with jokes, laughs, and his outgoing personality. Some middle school students are known for making extreme rumors about Alex in the past, ex. being a rapist or a pedophile. Alexander Carneiro loves making people laugh with his videos and hopes to someday become famous. You can find a lot about Alex by searching his name in many search-bars like Google. Alexander Carneiro goes by the nickname of MrStud which he got from middle school when the teachers would address him by that name. Alexander Carneiro and Andy Milonakis have been caught arguing via Stickam some years ago. Alexander Carneiro has released a YouTube video named "Bloody Mary: A Short Film" many years back which currently has about two million views. Alexander Carneiro is known to flirt with many random girls as a cure for his boredness.
Izzy: Wow, this Bloody Mary video is gay. Who is this kid?
Alex: Hi, I'm Alex.
Izzy: If you haven't been killed yet, do think you could let me do it? Like, I'd love to try and gain the last 35 secs you stole from my life!

Nikki: Ew, that kid is such a creep.
Jessica: Oh, that's just Alexander Carneiro.

(Friend requests cute female)
Jennifer: Uhm, do I know you?
Alex: Unfortunately you don't, but I'm Alexander Carneiro and I was just wondering if I could have it back?
Jennifer: Have what back?
Alex: My eye.
Jennifer: Wow, what a creeper!
by HotPocketLover February 18, 2011
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An attractive male who has let himself go and has gained a "muffin top".
Alex: I need to lose weight.
Joey: Yeah, you're such a studmuffin.
by HotPocketLover February 18, 2011
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- A guy who thinks he's a stud.
- A sarcastic nickname.
- A guy who is usually all about the ladies.
- The official nickname of "Alexander Carneiro"
- Sometimes when used as sarcasm it could mean a guy who has been hurt too much by women and has decide to just give up on them and take a vacation.
- A guy who flirts too much.
- A gentleman.
- Someone who is extremely smooth.
- Also known as "The Stud" or "Studmuffin"
Alyssa: Wow, who is that guy? He's pretty sweet.
Kevin: Oh, that's just MrStud.

Jason: The ladies love me.
Frank: Aha, okay... "MrStud".

Henry: Hey, the names MrStud.
Lynnise: Okay, "MrStud", you're a creep.

(George holds the door open for some ladies)
Kasey: Oh why thank you, Stud!

Alex: I need to start working out soon.
Joey: Yeah, maybe, you're such a studmuffin.
by HotPocketLover February 18, 2011
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- A short video which is located on YouTube about Bloody Mary which has currently about two million views so far, and is published by Alexander Carneiro
- Also known as titled, Friday the 13th
- A crappy edited video.
- Ugly host with strange teeth shapes.
Ken: I'm looking for some hardcore evidence that Bloody Mary is real.
Jason: Well, I'm sure this video named "Bloody Mary: A Short Film" will make you rofl.
by HotPocketLover February 18, 2011
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