35 definitions by Hogtrude Parker

Somebody who stormed the United States Capitol on Wednesday, January 6, 2021.
Have you seen all those videos of people getting yoinked at the airport after being identified as Wednesday warriors? What were they expecting, a visit from the Tooth Fairy?
by Hogtrude Parker January 12, 2021
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An anti-dudebro; a guy who is superficially similar to a dudebro or stereotypical frat guy, but unlike a dudebro, is cool about other guys deviating from traditional masculinity, considers it important for men to be able to talk about their feelings, and respects all kinds of people who are different from him.
“Hey, wanna go to the bar with me and Jim tonight?”
“Um, no dude, I’m gay and wearing purple nail polish. He wears that Buccaneers hat everywhere, makes dick jokes all the time, and can’t go one sentence and a half without saying ‘bro.’ You’re asking to mix Diet Coke and Mentos.”
“Nah man, you got him fucked up. Jim’s a brodude. You could show up in a dress and cry on his shoulder and he would HAPPILY fist-bump you and ask if you want to watch the game.”
“Oh, cool, but you know I’m still a Patriots fan!”
by Hogtrude Parker November 27, 2021
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When someone who isn’t white (or who isn’t straight, or especially who is transgender) is present in a popular film, television show, or video game.
Since when could the magical elves in this video game be BLACK PEOPLE? All this forced diversity nonsense, man…
by Hogtrude Parker February 4, 2021
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A feminine girl.

Like a femboy, but a girl as opposed to a boy. Or like a tomboy, but feminine as opposed to masculine, if you’d rather go that route.
My Catholic school makes all the girls dress like femgirls…
by Hogtrude Parker December 10, 2021
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“Damn ya ass fat, whatcha pronouns?”
“Sorry babe, I only got novice nouns.”
by Hogtrude Parker December 15, 2021
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1. (in white families) when parents teach their children where babies come from.
2. (in black families) when parents teach their children about racism and the criminal justice system.
“I was only six when parents gave me the Talk.”
The birds and the bees?”
“No, the badges and the bullets.”
by Hogtrude Parker March 21, 2021
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Something vegans say. It indicates that they are, in fact, vegan.
"I'm vegan," I said.
"We know," said my family, "You tell us that like every single day."
I nodded in acknowledgement and shoved an entire pitcher full of beans into my mouth. "Yes. I'm vegan."
by Hogtrude Parker July 19, 2021
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