35 definitions by Hogtrude Parker

A factual, non-racist statement that is very popular with racists.
It’s okay to be white, but I sure am making my friends incredibly nervous by not saying it’s okay to not be white!
by Hogtrude Parker January 25, 2021
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Short for “Burger King Michael Myers.”

In the 4-versus-1 slasher movie-themed multiplayer video game Dead By Daylight, it refers to Michael Myers, the killer from the Halloween movies, when equipped with two items that modify his special power: Judith’s Tombstone, which allows Michael to instantly kill survivors he catches once he’s fully levelled up his power by stalking them in exchange for making him move slower, and the Scratched Mirror, which lets him see survivors through walls in exchange for not letting him level up his power at all (and, as it happens, Michael is always slower than normal when he hasn’t levelled up his power yet).
These two items have special uses on their own, but they almost completely cancel each other out when combined, resulting in Michael Myers being permanently slower than the survivors he’s supposed to chase and not even being able to instantly kill them using Judith’s Tombstone since he can’t level up his power. This item combination was nicknamed “BK Myers” by players, jokingly insinuating that Michael can’t catch up to his targets because he’s eaten too much Burger King.

Also known simply as “Fat Myers.”
My friends and I messed around last night in Dead By Daylight. Jamie played as BK Myers one round and still killed me with NOED
by Hogtrude Parker August 24, 2021
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A sexual orientation label originating from Tiktok and then chiefly propagated as a psy-op by Neo-nazis from 4chan’s /pol/ (“Politically Incorrect”) board and Kiwifarms, describing heterosexual attraction only to cisgender (non-transgender) people— and framing itself as a minority sexual orientation— as a deliberate organized effort to foster division between transgender people and cisgender lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.

The super straight flag consists of black and orange arranged laterally next to each other, and one of the original March 5, 2021 /pol/ threads made clear that the shortening of “super straight” to “SS” was no accident by stylizing the flag with the Schutzstaffel zig-zag double-S insignia.

The operation also posits similar sexual orientations as “supergay,” “superlesbian,” and “superbisexual,” (attraction only to cisgender men and women), and has made various proposals for an altered version of the LGBT+ acronym to include super straight, such as “LGBS” and “SSLGB.” The term “superphobe” has been used to describe those who oppose super straightness (in practice, anyone the transgender community would consider an ally).

READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED: the following example is taken directly from /pol/ and contains several unaltered slurs for transgender and gay people.
“/SS/ super straight general
>>310854278 → #
Making this thread before the other one hits bump limit GOALS
>drive a wedge between trannies and other fag groups
>Redpill zoomers
>Use the left's tactics against themselves, call them bigots for not accepting super straights
>Hit mainstream status
>zoomer on tiktok makes a new sexuality called "super straight" meaning one is attracted only to the biological sex, meaning no trannies
>Countering the tranny logic that troons are "real women"
>spam this shit all over, make memes, retweet SS agents on twitter, post on every site imaginable”
—4chan /pol/ thread no. 310864180, March, 5, 2021, by Anonymous (ID: bjG0EDki) 🇺🇸
by Hogtrude Parker May 5, 2021
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Playing video games while being someone who is LGBT+, being in the company people who are LGBT+, and/or perhaps being a very, VERY enthusiastic LGBT+ ally (enough to enthusiastically consider “gay” a compliment).
Fjdlkahfluahl I was up all night with Ash and Lulu video gayming at Celeste while discussing Danganronpa headcanons and eating Oreos,,,and how are you? ?
by Hogtrude Parker January 30, 2021
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Catch-all term for somebody who isn’t white.
So anyway, I got blurped over a busted brake light last night. I was freaked out until I remembered I’m not a person of color.”
“You mean you remembered you’re not black?”
“Well, I’d still be worried if I was, like, Latino or Arab or something.”
by Hogtrude Parker January 1, 2022
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r/vegan’s meaner cousin who’s been to prison before.

A self-professed “ethical vegan hatespace” and vegan meme page on Reddit where it is against the rules for non-vegans to post, it is where vegans go to vent their general baseline misanthropy for about 99% of the world population, gatekeep veganism and throw away the key, and tell each other to “be very careful John 👍.” The community happily leans into every vegan stereotype in the books, sincerely uses the term “carnist” and variations of it on the regular, hates Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods for doing animal testing, and accuses r/vegan of carnist boot-licking.

TL;DR: The largest subreddit for people whose ideology matches that of the Animal Liberation Front.
The most highly-upvoted r/vegancirclejerk post of 2021 was a screenshot of a post from Alex J. O’Connor on Twitter about how the satirical subreddit r/DogDiet, which was about “all things dog meat,” was banned from Reddit, but r/bbq and r/meat remain unbanned. The post warns r/bbq and r/meat posters to “just make sure you don’t post the wrong animal, you might get banned.”
by Hogtrude Parker December 19, 2021
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The belief that non-human animals should not be commodified, exploited, and/or eaten.
Aw man, I just finished my eighteenth bowl of hummus this week.”
“…Uh, do you subscribe to veganism, by any chance?”
by Hogtrude Parker September 11, 2022
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