5 definitions by Hockeytown19

Kid 1: are you going to do your homework after dinner? Kid 2: no, I'm gonna bang my girlfriend and after that, we're gonna smoke some dope together. Kid 2: you're a juvenile delinquent!
by Hockeytown19 September 22, 2013
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A hyper-educated moron is someone who has impressive credentials, yet lacks the basic knowledge and common sense of how the real world actually functions and operates because they never had a job in the private sector. These people are most often found in Ivy league schools, hidden deep in their offices and unaware of the surrounding outside world.
Mike: Professor Jones wants to teach 3 liberal arts classes a day and wants nothing less than $100,000/year with full, life-time benefits.

Eric: Isn't that what a physician is normally paid?

Mike: Yup.

Eric: What a hyper-educated moron...
by Hockeytown19 September 7, 2014
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Bill: Did you see the pens-flyers game last night?
Bob: Yeah, the pens won 5-0. Crosby had a hat trick and two assists.
Bill: Man it must suck to be a fan of the Philadelphia Flyers.
Bob: It sure does.
by Hockeytown19 November 26, 2022
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Refers to strict followers of John Lennon and his music. Some are Beatles fans who look down upon McCartney even though they were both mind-blowing songwriters who changed music forever. They just had different styles.
Bill: "A day in the life" is a song written by John and Paul, credited to Lennon-McCartney.

Bob: Nope you're wrong!!! Lennon was the main singer therefore it was his song.

Bill: Typical Lennonite...
by Hockeytown19 July 1, 2014
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Refers to strict followers of John Lennon and his music. Some are Beatles fans who look down upon McCartney even though they were both mind-blowing songwriters who changed music forever. They just had different styles.
Bill: "A day in the life" is a song written by John and Paul, credited to Lennon-McCartney.

Bob: Nope you're wrong!!! Lennon was the main singer therefore it was his song.

Bill: Typical Lennonite...
by Hockeytown19 July 1, 2014
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