27 definitions by HmmfCreator

The state of sucking upto, following, hanging around or loving someone or something.

See Bum.
'Richard is bumming Anthony because he wants to borrow cash.'

'My little sister is always bumming me, it's so annoying.'

Sally: Why are Mary and Jen always bumming?
Melanie: I think they are bffs.

by HmmfCreator June 5, 2009
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A variation of the word 'Hoy'which is commonly used between two BFFs. By adding 'roo' on the end creates a sense of excitement and humor in the coversation. For other people it may create an image of a jumping kangaroo holding a sign which says 'hoy.'
Jen: Hoy
Mary: Hoy
Jen: Hoy
by HmmfCreator June 7, 2009
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Yemen is a country located on the Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia.

Yemen is mentioned on an episode of the hit tv show 'Friends' in 'The One Where Old Yeller Dies.'

Dr. Ross Geller: I don't believe this. I miss, I miss the first time of everything. I missed, what, the first time he rolled over, the first time he crawled. What else did I miss? Has he spoken yet, is he driving, does he have a favorite liqueur?

Carol Willick: Actually, he is getting closer on the talking thing. He can't quite say mama yet, but once he said Yemen.
Dave: What's the capital of Yemen?
Sarah: What!?
by HmmfCreator June 5, 2009
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Susan is a fictional character on the tv show 'Friends.' She is the life partner of Carol Willick, the lesbian ex-wife of Ross. Alternative names include Susan and Susan Bunch-Willick.

In the pilot episode we find out that Carol and Ross have split up because she is in fact a lesbian and has been carrying out a lesbian affair with Susan. Ross is truly heartbroken over this. Even more troubling, he finds out after the break up that Carol is pregnant with his child and she plans to raise the baby with Susan. Carol later gives birth to Ross's son, Ben.
Susan: There's Father's Day, there's Mother's Day, there's no Lesbian Lover Day.

Ross: Every day is Lesbian Lover Day.

Ross: (talking about the baby's surname) Wait a minute, why is she in the title?

Susan: Because it's my baby, too.

Ross: That's funny, I don't remember you making any sperm!

Ross: (inspecting the books at Susan and Carol's place) Wow, you guys sure have a lot of books about being a lesbian.

Susan Bunch: Well, you know, you have to take a course... Otherwise they don't let you do it.
by HmmfCreator June 5, 2009
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The word derives from the word 'Yemmen' used to abbreviate the words, 'Yeah man.' Yebbi is typically used between two bffs where one bff already calls the other bee and rather than saying, 'Yemmen' he/she is able to say 'Yebbi' which is a shorter form of the words, 'Yeah Bee.' or 'Yes bee.'
Jen: Do you still want me to call you tonight?
Mary: umm... YEBBI!
by HmmfCreator June 5, 2009
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The verb 'to bum' is used to describe the act of either, sucking up to, following or loving somebody or something.
'Did you see Jason in class today? He's such a teacher's pet he totally loves to bum Mr Matthews, its sick.'

'Oh em gee sarah was totally bumming Emily alll yesterday! They were stuck to each other like glue and i mean woah they arn't even bffs!'

Sally: I bum you!
Melanie: I bum you too!

by HmmfCreator June 5, 2009
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Commonly used between two BFFs, Mr Fox originated from the film, 'Vacancy.' In a scene where a man (Mr Fox) is trying to call the police because someone is trying to kill him in a hotel. Mr Fox is unknowingly speaking to the killer on the phone, until the man proceeds to call him by his name 'Mr Fox,' thus giving away the fact that he is infact the killer. Mr Fox then proceeds to run out of the phone booth towards his hotel room whilst the killer chases him in his car.

This name is not to be confused with 'Fantastic Mr Fox' which is a children's novel written by Roald Dahl, first published in the US by Alfred A. Knopf in 1970 with illustrations by Donald Chaffin.
Mason: 911 Emergency?

David Fox: Yeah, hello. We need some help. Some people are trying to kill us. Mason: Where are you located, sir? David Fox: Me and my wife, we're at this motel, the Pinewood Motel. It's near the mountains. They've got us trapped.

Mason: Who has you trapped, sir? David Fox: I don't know. We just need help. The Pinewood Motel.

Mason: Yes, sir. Do you have an address? David Fox: No! It's near some woods. Jesus Christ, look it up!

Mason: You're going to need to settle down, sir. You'll never survive if you lose control, Mr Fox. (David realizes he's talking to Mason.)

Mason: You shouldn't be wandering around in the dark by yourself.

Mary: Hoy!
Jen: Mr fox... is that you?
Mary: IT'S MR FOX!
by HmmfCreator June 11, 2009
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