40 definitions by Hlalakar

A form of steel made by collecting blood from gooches that rip during childbirth, then processing it to remove and alloy the iron and carbon.
This chair is made from genuine taintanium.
by Hlalakar June 8, 2020
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When you are getting fisted in the ass, but then they grab a hold of something and pull you inside out.
After my boyfriend kumpswarped me I spent 3 weeks in the ICU.
by Hlalakar May 14, 2020
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Audible ovaries occurring when a person blows into a woman's vagina too hard.
Duane hooked up with Tina last night and I could hear her fallopian tuba from three floors away.
by Hlalakar May 27, 2020
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A loud, low pitched queef.
Rachael's cunt rumble was so loud it made me jump.
by Hlalakar June 7, 2020
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A small individual loaf of bread that has been poisoned.
Andrew called me a faggot so I got some strychnine and baked him a death roll.
by Hlalakar June 6, 2020
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A slur for the INtellectually DISabled. Will soon replace the now insulting term "retarded" which replaced "imbecile" and "moron". In 20 or 30 years indis will also become an intolerable insult, and the psychiatrists and neurologists will come up with a new term. Rinse and repeat.
Look at that stupid indis trying to spell his name.
by Hlalakar May 20, 2020
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A hair growing out of a woman's clitoris.
Morgan winced as she used tweezers to pluck her fleth.
by Hlalakar June 7, 2020
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