28 definitions by Hizzo

Liquid Nitrogen

Comes from the fact that L denotes liquid. Nitrogen is diatomic, thus forming N2 gas normally, but under extreme cold, it is a liquid. Has a boiling point around -180 degrees celsius.

Otherwise known as some fun stuff to play with.
I stuck my dick in the LN2 and when it froze, I karate chopped it and it shattered into about 50,000 pieces.
by Hizzo March 18, 2004
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A hair style in which the remaining hair upon a bald man's head is "combed over" the bald head giving the appearance of a full head of hair and thus more confidence.
Comb-overs = fetish fantasy
by Hizzo December 22, 2003
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Chili like subtance expelled from the rectum. Can be used as a derogatory remark towards some idiot.
Hey butt sauce get over here.
by Hizzo October 18, 2003
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Joe - He's an idiot.
You - NS, I've known forever.
by Hizzo June 1, 2003
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raging sex; two people having sex while being extremely pissed off.
I had angry sex last night and I think it left scars
by Hizzo February 28, 2004
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NOT A COUNTERSTRIKE THING, Zex is for real people, not people who have zex with m4 silencers.
by Hizzo February 28, 2004
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