1 definition by His Little Angel

The unimaginable feeling you possess when you're around that special someone. When all you want to do is be with that person forever. You'd do anything for them. You'd give your life just to save theirs. You'd stay up all night on the phone when your parents are asleep, walk miles upon miles just to give them one simple hug, sneak out just to see them one last time, call them back when they hang up on you. When all you want to do is make them safe, healthy, and happy. When the days seem like years until you're eyes meet with theirs again. That gut feeling you get when you think about them. Their smile, smell, anything about them. That pleasurable feeling you get when your lips meet theirs. They smile at you and smile back. When you think about having a future with them. When you hug them and never want to let go. Even when they say your name. All these things appear and everything else disappears around you. All of these are signs of simple affection toward the other. Love is also when that special someone makes your heart jump out of your throat and makes your heart beat slow down and speed up at the same time. When you cry to yourself at night just because you miss them. When they change your life. When you try to imagine a world without them. But, you can't. It's love. <3
I love you baby. And I can't imagine being with anyone else but you. I want to be with you forever and always. Till the stars don't shine and till the heavens burst. And last but not least, until my last rose dies...

I love you

Happy Anniversary
by His Little Angel August 8, 2010
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