46 definitions by Herb N. Dictionary

ACRONYM: Visible Panty Line.
Before thong underwear became all the rage, VPL's were considered the ultimate in undergarment sexiness.
by Herb N. Dictionary October 20, 2002
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A person whose penis appears tiny when flaccid, but that redeems itself when erect.
After being derided in the locker room for his limp rat dick, Tony assured the others with his only comeback: "I'm a grower not a shower!"
by Herb N. Dictionary October 25, 2002
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to defecate, usually after holding it
I can't wait 'til the bell rings so I can hit the gents and drop anchor.
by Herb N. Dictionary October 20, 2002
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pre-cum; genital leaking that occurs during foreplay
I hate dry-humping my chica 'cause my chones get all full o' pre.
by Herb N. Dictionary October 20, 2002
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de rigueur headwear of the streets, currently stocking caps
He looked all menacing with his urban turban pulled down over his night goggles.
by Herb N. Dictionary October 25, 2002
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1. having sex; more specifically, in flagrante delicto
I walked in and caught him balls deep on the couch with some chica from the bar.
by Herb N. Dictionary October 20, 2002
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