36 definitions by Henry

A phrase meaning, "something preppy and hot."
Kelly: "Seth Cohen's picture on the OC Season 1 DVD is really preppy and hot."
Jessica: "Yeah it's like wicked Camp Sea Gull"
by Henry January 13, 2005
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To be used in accusation of a embarrising or degrading moment.
can also be used to express admaration or pride. a very versatile expression
CHOWNED! *as waiter drops dinner over someones face*
*gets text from sexy lady* 'dude chowned'
by Henry March 23, 2005
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Derogatory nickname for New York City (Bronx) based American baseball club.
"Schilling's next start will be against the Crankmes."
"Ever since Damon signed with the Crankmes, I have had no use for him."
"Let the Crankmes have A-Rod, he's not all that."
by Henry June 17, 2006
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The most offensive thing you could possibly describe as a sexual act. I won't even go into it.
Last night Steve gave Brenda the old backwards apple.
by Henry January 3, 2005
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A slang for Weed, Pot, Poht, Grass, etc.
Plant a TREE, it's good for the envoronment.
by Henry May 27, 2004
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Cool and the best. The coolest damn thing.
Mr. P's Pizza
One of my homies thinks it's just blazin!
by Henry May 27, 2004
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A member of a culture defined by a devotion to unearthing the secrets of music's origins,a worship of musical compositions as well as an active observation of the rhythms of the universe.
"This man has lost his rhythm! Someone call a funkamentalist immediately!" or: After years practicing religious funkamentalist meditation in a high altitude himalayan cave, Lars claimed he heard an echo of the Creator's voice: "One, Two, One two three four..."
by Henry June 2, 2006
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