13 definitions by Hellrider285

Demonbane is a Lovecraft-inspired mecha series that started out as an adult visual novel from the developer Nitro+ and has various spin-offs, novel adaptions and even an anime series. Despite it throwing around names of Lovecraftian beings around, it has little to do with the actual mythos and is more of a homage. Demonbane is by far the most absurdly, stupidly overpowered mecha in all of fiction, it is so overpowered that Demonbane doesn't even follow logic. It takes on various forms and upgrades in the series and one of the upgrades is the War God Demonbane which is so massive that it shatters an universe because the universe can't contain it and its final form, the Elder God Demonbane is so hilariously overpowered that just it moving was creating and destroying multiverses and it can even beat omnipotents, so in other words, it is beyond the concept of infinite power. This version of it is apparently beyond omnipotence. It can also summon infinite versions of itself from other timelines, including from timelines that don't even exist, and they all are omnipotent. Fans of the series tend to be relatively annoying and claim that their series is the best thing since sliced bread. No one in any other fictional universe can hope to defeat Demonbane, even if you say that you have a character that's omnipotent, Demonbane will still beat it because that's how it works.
What's the strongest fictional character that Japan has ever created?

Demonbane. It is 100 percent the definition of insanely, ridiculously, hilariously overpowered just for the sake of being overpowered.

Were they on drugs when they created this character?

Don't know, go ask them.
by Hellrider285 January 8, 2014
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Not the Spanish nor English word for dizziness. This is a comic book imprint from DC Comics. This is one of the few American comic imprints that deals with non-superhero stories. Their stories tend to be more mature, adult and realistic in nature and their plots usually are dark, complex and philosophical. Many of their comic books have won various awards in the past. Their most popular titles include The Sandman, Lucifer, Hellblazer, The Preacher, The Swamp Thing and many others.
Vertigo is one of the best American comic imprints today that deals with non-superhero stories.
by Hellrider285 February 23, 2014
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The fans, enthusiasts and followers of anime and manga are anime fans. Despite this simple explanation, there are actually subcategories for this group.

1. Anime fans that are rational, logical and realizes that anime and manga are just hobbies, fictional characters and entertainment. These tend to be most friendly of the fans and can start friendly conversations with just about anyone.

2. Anime fans that are miserable, probably have pathetic lives outside of this hobby and are never happy or satisfied. These will usually unload complaint after complaint about a certain series or character such as complaining that this character is too much of a wuss or that character is too overpowered.

3. Anime fan boys. These tend to believe that their series and characters are the best and unbeatable. Tends to be most common with fans of the Holy Shounen Trinity.

4. Anime fans that treat their series as a religion, these tend to have characteristics that overlap with fanboyism and cults. Any negative criticism about their favorite series will be met with a negative, angry response. They virtually worship the characters as gods and treat the manga or anime as a religious text.

5. Anime fans that are otaku. These tend to collect tons of figures of their favorite characters and rooms worth of manga and anime. This is also where they take their hobby to new extremes of stupidity. They have an extreme, sometimes perverse or sexual, obsession with their favorite series or characters.
An anime fan is a part of a subculture that can range from being extremely friendly and logical to extreme sexual obsession over fictional characters.
by Hellrider285 January 28, 2014
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Sometimes abbreviated to CBR. A nice place to find good information on comic books and it also possesses a relatively nice forum where a few writers in the business come in to make posts. However, their Comic Book Rumbles Forums, aka the VS. debate section, has some of the biggest jerks, trolls, fanboys and psychopaths around. The posters there are assholes in that if they don't like something, they'll choose not to believe it or they start ridiculing it in insane, stupid or absurd ways. Some of the members believe that they are 100 percent right in their debates no matter what and some of the forum rules are so strict that it borders on insanity that rivals 1984. One of the worst places in the Internet along with gamefaqs forums. The comments in the VS. debates rival the stupidity of youtube comments. This is the main reason why some people gave them the nickname CBRtards. The members also generally have a dislike towards anything Star Wars related and a liking for anything that's related to either Twilight or Harry Potter.
Here's a few good quotes about Comic Book Resources here:

Dude, CBR thinks Deathstroke is retarded, Supergirl is god, Sentry can solo the JLA and JSA...

Seriously...? They argued over that? *facepalm*
by Hellrider285 January 6, 2014
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Someone who constantly complains about something else and usually hopes that someone else will listen to them. Nowadays, the most common places to find them are on Internet forums or on youtube and they usually will complain and whine on videos or topics about fictional characters or any other part of fiction instead of complaining about real life.
A whiner is someone that never stops complaining and I just saw one of those on youtube, since that place seems to be infested with them.
by Hellrider285 January 21, 2014
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These are forums and message boards where posters can put characters from the same or different fictional universes against each other in theoretical battles and users will usually debate about the outcome and the victor of the battle. The most popular vs. forums are comicvine, animevice, killermovies, moviecodec, comic book resources, factpile, herochat and outskirts battle dome. They might sound fun at first to have different characters from different fictional universes to fight each other, but the forums are normally less than fun. There are normally hordes of fan wankers, fan boys, and trolls who lurk around the forums that tend to try and steer the conversation away from the topic at hand or try to convince people that their favorite character would win the battle.
A vs forum is one of the worst places to have debates about fictional characters in fictional, theoretical battles that will never happen.
by Hellrider285 February 23, 2014
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Not an illegitimate child or swear word, the manga from the 1980s.
A pretty entertaining but fairly cheesy manga with references to things like heavy metal since the creator is a huge fan of heavy metal. Once you get pass the beginning chapters is where the insanity starts kicking in. Dark Schneider is the main character, a womanizer and supposedly the world's strongest sorcerer. Insanity in the manga includes ridiculous things like breaking a black hole, running faster than light, destroying a galaxy with one hit, creating mini-universes in one's hands and having defenses that are so ridiculous such as having to destroy atoms in the physical and spiritual world. It's a fairly entertaining manga but beware of the cheese.
Bastard is awesome, despite Dark Schneider being a womanizer and the epitome of cheesiness.
by Hellrider285 January 18, 2014
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