12 definitions by HelenHar

A person, place or thing that is actively supportive of homosexuals and homosexuality.
SUSIE: Hey Billy, what did you do this weekend?
BILLY: Not much. Went to Church with my Mom.
SUSIE: Church? But you're a homo.
BILLY: True, but this particular congregation welcomes homosexuals and believes that Jesus wouldn't judge us as wicked.
SUSIE: Oh, so your Church is pro-mo?
BILLY: Yes, it is pro-mo.
by HelenHar August 12, 2008
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(n.) A man who sleeps with a lot of women, i.e. gets a lot of pussy/beaver.
Named after Jerry Mathers, who played the lovable Beaver from 1957-63 on the hit show "Leave it to Beaver".
That Bill has a different chick every night. He's a real mathers!
by HelenHar January 26, 2007
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(n.) A sexual realtionship between two or more people in which fellatio is the only form of affection/contact. Usually pejorative, suggests the relationship is lacking.
Term applies mainly to heterosexual relatioships but also acceptable when used in male homosexual context. Not applicable in female/lesbian relationships.
"Susie is so deluded. She thinks Bob likes her but they don't even make out or have sex. She just comes over and blows him. That's not a relationship, that's a fellationship"
by HelenHar January 26, 2007
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A person, place or thing that undergoes a dramatic transformation from straight to gay.
BILLY: Hey Judy, why the long face?
JUDY: Well, Billy, me and the girls went out on the Westside and there were no straight guys to be found. I can't believe how much it's changed over there. It's practically West Hollywood!
BILLY: Sounds like the Westside has been homovered.
JUDY: Yes, it gas been homovered!
by HelenHar October 11, 2007
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A particular kind of civilian love-making in the graphic/raunchy/loud manner we as viewers expect from such HBO shows as THE SOPRANOS, TELL ME YOU LOVE ME, THE WIRE and sometimes BIG LOVE.
BILLY: Hey, Susie, you sure are walking funny today.
SUSIE: You ain't whistling dixie, Billy. Me and that guy I met at Hyde totally had HBO Sex last night. I can barely sit down.
BILLY: Damn, you sure look it.
by HelenHar April 24, 2008
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A frustrating night in which one gets only a couple hours of sleep due to work, stress or partying (as opposed to a full night's rest).
BILLY: Susie, you look like sh*t today!
SUSIE: Thanks, Billy.
BILLY: Seriously, what's wrong?
SUSIE: I don't know! I went to bed at eleven and didn't fall asleep until three! Got only four hours of sleep!
BILLY: Sounds like a night nap.
SUSIE: Yes, it was a night nap!
by HelenHar March 10, 2008
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Colloqialism from the American South, literally means don't bit the hand that feeds you.
BILLY: God damn, woman! Old man Winter's makin' me work on the weekend ho'ing his damn soil!
SUSIE: Well is he payin' you that there overtime?
BILLY: Yeah. So?
SUSIE: So shut yer trap and put on yer work boots for an extra day's pay! We need to get little Billy new shoes and our roof busted a hole again!
BILLY: Aw, Susie-
SUSIE: I said shut it! Don't kick yer coon dog!
by HelenHar December 8, 2007
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