29 definitions by Hedley Clubnobber

Small town/village in West Wales UK, that somehow, against all the odds, remains human, friendly and welcoming. You'll hear Welsh spoken just about everywhere by locals and not just by pretentious, crachach-welsh-wannabe-shit-heads from Cardiff. Some great pubs with great real ale, all in easy staggering distance of each other; so not just mass produced crap served to chavs, that drives you mental (which we hope they will continue serving to chavs, of course).
Sheep & cattle auction right next to the main street; how cool is that? Most locals have abandoned fashion in favour of having a life. Cool hippie shops and cafs galore.
Newcastle Emlyn; lets hope the English don't ruin it.

diolch o galon
by Hedley Clubnobber August 27, 2006
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usually based on selling people a personal insurance policy that can only be cashed in at death by the purchaser. therefore, impossible to know whether said religion has enough assets in the account to draw on or whether the seller has skipped off with the benefits, until too late. therefore, faith based. often accompanied by general claim to a sky-god/s authority of some kind, portrayed usually by representatives as a highly-strung, insecure person/s with a do-or-die outlook on life ie. 'you do or you die'. choice of insurers avaiable with various policy standards and disclaimers. onus upon buyer to prove worthiness rather than on sky-god. representatives arbitrate on disputes but no findings ever in favour of claimants thusfar.
religion...... the word 'ligion' said over and over again.
anyone know what a 'ligion' is?
by Hedley Clubnobber September 28, 2006
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Mental certainty. Fun at the start, never at the end. Someone who brings fireworks to Armageddon.
a. 'that's fundamentalist nonesense?!'

b. 'in the name of the Prince of Peace, die you doubter!'
by Hedley Clubnobber August 27, 2006
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A chafer: one whose weight is so extreme that the legs grate together or 'chaf'. Usually associated with a gravity affected ass, almost on the floor.
by Hedley Clubnobber August 27, 2006
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A believer; specifically in a political-economic religion. Identical to fascist, fundamentalist, maoist, capitalist, banker. Believes most humans can contribute equally except those who contribute nothing, in which case they form the 'Blessed Leadership'.
Wishes to replace one form of expolitation with another to prove the point.
Believes in 'The State' but not in the 'individual'.
Doesn't believe in God but does believe in Gold (Spot the difference?> That's right!; there's 'L' in gold). Against natural law, believes opposites repel and, therefore, finds freedom confusing, worrisome & always dangerous.
Joyfully celebrates success by parading earth-cracking weapons from time-to-time and then explodes them, rendering large parts of the world uninhabitable.
Famous communist experiments in equality:
In the Soviet Union, everbody queued.
In China, everyone has the same haircut.
In Tibet, everyone is beaten regularly.
In Albania & Zimbabwe, everyone is dog-poor.
In the European Union they are preparing to queue, have the same haircut, be beaten regularly & become dog-poor.
by Hedley Clubnobber August 28, 2006
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Words will have to do....'Grim Up North' could've been written for this collection of stones. Nice on the outskirts but otherwise a sunami of chavness and thus a cultural wastland. It could indeed be the quintessential 'classless society' due to an extraordinary lack of style. Everything that socialism was meant to be! 'God-forsaken' would suggest the Almighty actually had been there once and so deliberately left it, which most authorities seriously doubt. A mix of Yorkshire rejects, Manchester overspill-uber-scum and the North Asian sub-continent. Market day reminding one strongly of the Orc army battle scenes in 'Lord of the Ringroads'.
Q. How do you know a girl from Oldham is having an orgasm?

A. She drops her chips.
by Hedley Clubnobber July 29, 2006
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they went looking for weapons of mass destruction in 2001, that Colin Powell's military intelligence said were there. as a result there are 150k dead civillians, around 12k dead soldiers and 25k wounded, as a direct result of the wars forced on Iraq and Afghanistan. He need have looked no further than any American state.....like Utah or Israel.
by Hedley Clubnobber September 27, 2006
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