29 definitions by Hedley Clubnobber

British, sigular - short for 'comprehensive school'. State school system or chain of open prisons depending on whether you're a politician or actually live near/work in/ go to these shit holes. A process by which bright, intelligent, lively, inquisitive children are miseducated into sullen, stupid, violent, bored young adults ready for a life in front of the TV, so they can buy products for the rest of their lives until they die having accomplished....nothing.
Q. S/he's a complete moron. How did s/he get like that?

A. S/he went to a 'comp'.
by Hedley Clubnobber August 27, 2006
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person: hebrew original of Greek equivalent, jesus. loved by direct followers (sometimes but not always known as christians) and by muslims; hated within judaism for showing up the leadership at a bad time and still at it today. semite who regularly gave the jewish hierachy a verbal slapping much to the joy of the oppressed and downtrodden. crucified by the jews and romans out of jealousy and fear, came back from the dead just to piss 'em off. hope of the hopeless, scourge of the self-satisfied.
yeshua: double affirmative ; yes! hua!
by Hedley Clubnobber September 29, 2006
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European Union; an organised hypocrisy of rapacious corporations, aristocrats and neo-catholics shepherding the mindless flock into Orwell's 1984. Modelled on plans set in place by one A. Hitler (popular Viennese painter and bon viveur; mid 20thC) then continued by every other Euro-demagogue since. Emblem on the EU Paliament, Goddess Europa riding a 10 headed beast. Nuff said! :(
EU taking you to Armageddon with style.
by Hedley Clubnobber August 27, 2006
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Caerphilly; Lard-Central! A pleasant summer Saturday can be had watching various 'Valley-Go-Lightlies', 'Salad-Dodgers' & 'Chafers' mashing their way through burgers 'n pop, with tats in every place and a thong for every occasion. Almost as famous for a massive Norman castle, which Cromwell took a dislike to, so blew up. Local politicians refuse to repair it and it's now Wales' own leaning tower. Still, when sober, Valleys people are absoultely the best, which is a good job 'cause there's a lot of 'em size-wise. However, there's a high proportion of Chavs-on-benefits (can there be a Chav not on benefits?) so don't expect sparkling conversation!
Caerphilly High Culture:
A giant Caerphilly cheese outside the job centre.

Low Rollers:
Chavs, Chavs and more Chavs. Oh dear! When will someone rid us of these pestilent vermin?

by Hedley Clubnobber August 26, 2006
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shortened form of 'a-merican' but may generally decribe someone who doesn't believe another world exists outside their national borders. generally stupid, ill-educated and naive. eats garbage but thinks it's food, votes republican or democrat but still says they're expressing choice. believes in God but doesn't see the implications! believes Jesus is cool but still can't see the implications!! believes in the antichrist 'without' but not 'within'. supports the zionazi state of israel without question. believes in the 'american dream' but only by being permanently asleep to the truth.
a. 'that was like talking to the wall!'

b. 'Aw, bless 'em, must be merican'
by Hedley Clubnobber September 4, 2006
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making lots of money out of people's misery. part of the burgeoning 'new professions class' of the late 20thC and usually a socialist, liberal or worse. social workers took over where the church left off. may know the difference between right and wrong but doesn't see why it should apply to them. a secular priest, monk or nun who enforces politically acceptable thought and behaviour on the hapless, helpless and hopeless. talks complete psychobabble with no scientific foundation whatsoever. often pilloried for taking children into care or leaving them to die; whichever the press find most distressing at the time. almost always an insecure individual who should be having therapy not giving it.
MALE of type tries to compensate for the low social status by talking complete bollocks at the pub.
FEMALE, usually a cat owner, likely to be crazy as a coot and in medieval times would have been burned as a witch.
SW MANAGER has generally failed even at this low level and so exacerbates the public's woes with incompetence in leadership.
most SWs try to avoid mentioning it at parties or face the prospect of further rejection. secretly support the British National Party.
social worker; 'As a social worker, I like to consider the full psycho-socio-sexual-ethnic dynamic in operation in any given situation or mele before drawing a tentative conclusion or proposal. I mean, I may not even go so far as to reach a conclusion, perhaps only hinting at a possible resolution, if that's ok with you?, which may in fact or actually not even be so certain as that. Is that wrong d'ya think?? I believe people should be allowed to live their own lives without interference from the state until we interfere. Failure is a negative concept and I don't like to use that word. However, the true answer may only ever be 'Yes'...or...'No' or...'Maybe'.... and it's never absolutely cl..'

normal person; 'Sorry to interupt. I'm afraid it's too late, the child / old person has been battered into the next life!'
by Hedley Clubnobber September 17, 2006
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oh dear! yorkshire (english county) provides many a salutory tale in how not to behave when away from home. men of that large county tend to be extremely boastful on account of their lack of size in other areas. borish, arrogant, self-opinionated, unforgiving. have a pathological dislike of lancastrians on account of having had their arses thrashed several hundred years ago by said county. treated sympathetically when in lancashire to seek cultural enlightenment. cannot pronounce the word 'cricket'. women of that county provide regular, if 'sameish' entertainment, to lancastrian men living close to the border.
a. I'm a yorkshire man!

b. Then you should leave!
by Hedley Clubnobber September 17, 2006
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