19 definitions by Hawke

For those of you who who say he is very talented, you are hopelessly wrong. In Green Day songs there is something that is missing out of most 'rock' music today. Solos! The true essence of metal. Green Day rarely have any of these and when they do they are pathetic. Green Day were once good. Now they are Pop-Punk sell out's. How can all you bitchez say he's the 'sexiest man on earth' he damn well wears eyeliner the gay! Most of there songs are SO easy to play! Just listen to 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' dun dun CHA. dun dun CHA. A five year old could play that. You bitchez need to get a life man,'stead of idolling over someone your NEVER going to have. The lead singer should have had his name changed to Billie Joe 'Three Chord' Armstrong.
Please don't get me start about Billie Joe Armstrong. Make that 'Three Chord' Armstrong.
by Hawke September 13, 2005
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The extrememly dangerous creature from the survival horror game Resident Evil Code Veronica X. Built to be the multi-purpose tyrant, they are equipped with a singular super strong stretchy arm. (hence the "band" as in bandy in the name bandersnatch) on there right side and have no arm on the left. Get too close they grab your head and crush your skull. Get too far away they will batter you about via stretching their arm. If you hide up/down stairs they will use the arm like a grappling hook to grab hold of an object and pursue. Very slow moving but deadly. Generally in packs of 3 but the occassional singular individual.
Best weapon for extermination: Bow gun with gun-powder tipped arrows. Golden Lugers. (as Steve shows in the game, saving Claire)
by Hawke July 7, 2005
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A thread stopper is when someone writes such a good and/or long opinion in a forum, (or a definition on Urban Dictionary) that everybody else wants to match them but in the end doesn't write another opinion/definition because they can't write another one better! See star fox and also desert eagle
"Dude! That thread stopper stopped me from trying to outmatch cuz I knew I couldn't"
"Far out man"
by Hawke June 9, 2005
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Truly awful band who got bottle in redding '04. He is the ugliest cunt if I ever saw one, and they are shit guitarists and have easy notes. They cannot sing and should go back to finland with the ugly twat who has a birds nest in his hair. Don't you get it!! Noone likes them you sad twats!!
rasmus:Ahahahaaaaaahaohaohaohao >click< *Turns off radio*
by Hawke April 16, 2005
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A vastly overrated bvand always ont he radio with crappy lyrics such as somebody told me that you had a boyfriend about love and they suck listen to real heavy rock - Metallica
Hey I heard the killers the other day, THEY SUCKED
by Hawke March 2, 2005
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The girl in the sinful shirts ad on the left...
by Hawke September 2, 2005
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Metallica, simply, are the best band that this planet has ever produced.
by Hawke November 5, 2005
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