30 definitions by Hawk

A famous song by the Beatles. Supposed to be another description of cannabis in this particular track. Not to be confused with the norwegian forest.
by Hawk January 9, 2005
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A misspelling of Saddam Hussein, once the dictator of Iraq. Mainly the spelling used by AOLers and stupid people.
AOLer: Saddam Hussain has been captured OMG!!11!!
by Hawk January 4, 2004
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(n) Term used to define the drama of a highschool prom. Usually frustrating and doesnt seem to end. The guys usually dont haev much to do with this, or you do not hear as much. The term Prama is widely unknown but it is believed to be originated in teh early 20th century somewhere in southern United States.
"OMG this prama is killing me i dont have a date yet..."
by Hawk March 6, 2005
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Short for Battlefield 40K, a mod for Battlefield 1942 based on Warhammer 40K, a table top game.
Guy 1: Wow, have you seen bf40k? It is made by teh 1337 HaXX0rz!

Guy 2: Sounds like the shit! What's the website?

Guy 1: Battlefield40k.com, n00b!
by Hawk January 7, 2005
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A swift nearly cosmopolitan falcon (Falco peregrinus) that is much used in falconry- called also peregrine falcon
The peregrine came out of a steep dive to snatch the rabbit out of the field
by Hawk May 30, 2003
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1. a love, battle, relief cry.
2. victory chant
Origin Vicious the Bidi
Vicious exclaimed "SHOOOOOOOBISCUIT", after a long gulp of orange soda.
by Hawk April 10, 2004
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