56 definitions by Harry69

Council House And Violent, British youths aged 10-25 who wear hats peaked up at 90 degree angles wear nike or adidas track pants nike shoes ride around on small motorbikes through their housing estates always up to no good drinking liquor in the parks smoking joints harassing people walking bye by saying stuff to them or giving them dirty looks they steal cars litter the place and are always on the run from cops
There was so many chavs today down the town this whole town is infested with them
by Harry69 August 3, 2010
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"Council House And Violent"

British teenagers and lower income families dole scroungers who mostly all come from council estates,Their uniform consists off trackpants and hoodies and little shitty baseball caps when it's summer they like to wear vests along with their trackies,They also like to wear Jewellery such as sovereign rings and knecklaces and never take their baseball caps off,The teenagers like to hang out in parks alleys shopping centres and their group usually consists off 6+,They like to shop lift intimidate people and use alot off foul language,They are disrespectful to the elderly and usually can be found travelling on the public transport systems or if they have or can afford their own means off travel usually travel in little novas or if they are drug dealer chavs they roam about in wrx's,Their girlfriends are called chavettes they usally have orange faces big ear rings chew gum and have a foul mouth on them,Most usually have their first child by 17,The older generation off chavs in the 25+ mark are usually all unemployed overweight wear baseball caps and clothes from the late 90's are unshaven and still act like they are 18,Most are addicted to dope or cocaine,The older generation off chavettes are usually big fat mammas with foul mouths and 3 kids to 3 different dads,The half decent looking ones are shagging the top drug dealer and getting all his money so she can keep herself looking good and support her bastard children,CHAVS are the biggest bunch off losers in Britain
"Those friggin chavs are all hanging out at the shops man"

"Chavs jumped my mate last week"

"See the fight between the Chavs and the hippies?"

"Get a job you low life chav"

"Hahaha that girls an orange face" "Yeah stupid chav"
by Harry69 February 7, 2008
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When you click the poke button on facebook and poke a friend usually a female friend, Most of the time the guy would be thinking "yeah she wants me" but the girl plays the guy at the game and draws him to her to fcuk him over in the end and make him look a jerk
Guy 1:"Lisa keeps poking me on facebook"
Guy 2:"Dude she wants you man"
Guy 1:"You serious"
Guy 2 :"Yeah dude poke? she wants to poke you man like she wants to sit on your willy"

Guy 1:"(Sends lisa a pm message) Hey I see you've been poking me your DTF?

Lisa:DTF?Down to fcuk?Errr piss off you sleazebag I was only having a poke war game just because I poke you doesn't mean I want to have sex with you

Lisa's facebook status:I've deleted that asshole now,He thinks because I facebook poked him I wanted to poke him in real life
by Harry69 February 22, 2011
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A place where you go to do exercises and work out,

A place where fat people go to try and loose weight,

A place where cheating married women go to start up affairs behind their hard working husbands back

A place for posers
Lets go to the gym I wanna flex my muscles and lift them weights to proove I'm the toughest and bulkiest man down the gym
by Harry69 February 20, 2011
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Word used by Sydney and Melbourne lads usually said when greeting another lad or lads it can mean cool sweet or hello
Lad 1:"Eshay whats happening lad"

Lad 2:"Eshay bra just got back from centerlink"

Lad 1:"Wanna go for an ession bro"

lad 2: "Hell yeah eshay to that I still got a stick on me from last nights ession"

Lad: "Eshay I got some beers at home to"
by Harry69 January 30, 2011
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A white guy who wants to be a black guy
Look at the wigger with his gold chains and white singlet and baggy pants haha what a wanker

Your white stop acting like a wigger

Q.What's a wigger?

A.A white guy who wears hip hop clothing listens to black gangsta rap and speaks like an American negro

You're white act white!!Stop being such a wigger
by Harry69 June 12, 2011
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A woman 35+ who is divorced or single and is always on the lookout for a new man or bonking buddy mostly seen at bars and clubs with other cougars usually has a few younger males sniffing around her
"Look it's the cougar brigade"

"Your mums a cougar"
by Harry69 June 29, 2009
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