56 definitions by Harry69

A person who drinks a lot of alcohol is loud aggressive violent and dangerous
"Last night was a good night until those hooligans rocked up"
by Harry69 June 29, 2009
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Some-one who disrupts internet forums and topics of discussion with something totally of topic to get a response and then hijack the forum status or topic with something that usually leads to an argument and pages of endless discussions which annoys normal people who don't give a crap
Ignore the dumb troll he wants a response click his message as spam

By replying to the troll you're only encouraging him and more trolls to come along
by Harry69 March 20, 2011
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To be killed by the Mafia

To be really high on drugs

To get punched in the face
"Little Pauley was wacked last night by the mob I heard he turned snitch so they caught up with him for it"

"I had like 5 lines and I was wacked totally gone out of this world"

"Haha you got wacked in the face by big Mervin serves you right man I told you not to mess with him"
by Harry69 February 21, 2012
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Some one who goes to the gym everyday

Some one who continually post statuses on their facebook that they are at the gym
Facebook status "Yeah pumping iron at the gym"
Facebook reply comment "You're such a gym rat"

E.G 2:"Claudia is at the gym everyday she's turning into a gym rat"

E.G 3"I don't care if you go to the gym everyday I go 2 days a week like you're suppose to not everyday like you you gym rat"
by Harry69 October 25, 2011
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A male who seduces women by pretending he is a sweet caring and charming gentleman then once he has them under his control he rolls onto the next woman and does the same to her but no matter how much he hurts his women they still seem to cling onto him and let him play them
"That guys got like 5 girlfriends man what a player"

"Yeah he is a player he made out that he really liked Cindy and they where going somehwere together until Cindy found out he was also seeing Jenny he such a player that prick"

"That guys so hot pity he's a player"
by Harry69 October 29, 2009
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Loyalist paramilitary organisation in Northern Ireland the UFF(Ulster Freedom Fighters) is the killer wing of the UDA(Ulster Defence Association)

"The UFF are a ruthless and vicious killing machine"
by Harry69 June 29, 2009
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Some one who claims to be a mad football fanatic and follows a team but never goes to watch them play they watch them from the comfort of their armchair, they mostly follow teams like Manchester United Chelsea Arsenal or Liverpool
Armchair fan:Yeahhhhhhh Liverpool won 5-2 against Fulham yeah go the reds

Fulham fan:"Did you go to the game"?

Armchair fan:"Na I just watched it from home like I always do"

Fulham fan:"Ha you armchair fan I was at the game and even though we lost 5-2 our fans still sung with their heads held high & there hardly was a Liverpool supporter in sight,Typical armchair fans"
by Harry69 May 12, 2011
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